Saturday, May 30, 2015

final swimming lesson

matt has been working a ridiculous amount of hours, so i told him that he could sleep in while i took madelyn (and all of the boys) to her last early swimming lesson. today is the kick-off of the library's summer reading program so i will just take the kids over there after her swimming lesson. the boys noticed that madelyn's towel and her swimming suit matched (it was the first time she had used either one at swimming lessons).

while madelyn was swimming, the boys enjoyed the 'block room.' they were playing with some other little boys and they came up with building 'thrones' which ended up filling their time.

the kids were silent after we left the library. they love the summer reading program and want to finish as soon as possible (it is going to be a long wait for the program to end and the prizes finally distributed).  we pulled them all away from their books to take madelyn to her softball game. how cute is she in her striped socks? love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

fun day! Love the striped socks. They make her legs look long (er). :) Is she liking softball? It sounded like a great program you got her into.