Friday, May 1, 2015

a pretty great (and rare) date night

our bible study group at church had an adult only social tonight. one of the families offered up their party center for childcare, provided professional babysitters and fed the kids - for free!! and then another family offered up transportation to our destination - dave and busters. the kids were as excited as matt and i were for a night out. and it was going to be a late night too. we dressed the kids in the pjs so that they could go to sleep as soon as we got home. maddux thought that the occasion called for his night vision goggles and was too excited to stand still for a picture.

the kids got right to playing when we dropped them off. manning was a little uncertain about staying, but mainly because he had just woken up from a nap. knowing that madelyn was staying too made him more comfortable.

keeping the kids up until 11pm or so was a little iffy, but we could not pass up the opportunity for free childcare and fun with friends!

it was totally worth it! we had never been to dave and busters before and had a wonderful time. we even had some trouble with our food order and only had to pay for half of it (and you know that made matt happy). matt and i are super competitive, but since having kids we don't get many opportunities to compete with each other. the gloves were off tonight! he did beat me at most of the games though. we teamed up to play the "down the clown" game - and won! we earned enough points to get the 500 ticket jackpot!

our 'prize' selection was an easy one - a bright orange soccer ball for maddux. he really, really wanted an orange soccer ball for his first season but we have more than enough already and couldn't justify the purchase. he was SO excited when we picked them up.

we definitely need to get out more! i am a lucky lady to have matt for my husband. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

That sounds just about perfect (well, maybe not having the kids out late, too, but worth it!!) I'm glad you guys had the chance to hang out with friends from church and the kids seemed to have fun, too! I've never been to a D&B, but I've heard they are pretty awesome. And what a perfect prize to get - lots of times there are too many bad options to choose from when you need to claim your ticket-prize. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! How nice of those friends to offer up free child care!! Glad you could both get out for some couple fun!