Wednesday, March 23, 2016

birthday date

matt and i try to use visits with grandparents for some free babysitting and this trip was no exception. before we headed out, papa and nana surprised me with a fantastic ice cream birthday cake from coldstone! yum, yum!

don't mind my super windblown hair.

matt and i were off to our absolute favorite barbecue restaurant. i used to buy a sandwich and fries on my way to the airport to bring back for matt when i used to travel to kc for work - it is that good. i wasn't too sure about what i was going to eat. we have eaten vegan for over three years now and i just can't handle dairy and meat doesn't really sit so well either. i was struggling with making an exception simply because i just feel too poorly afterwards. i decided that this meal was worth feeling awful over. and then i found the best news as the restaurant - they offer a mushroom version of my favorite sandwich! i was thrilled and it was absolutely delicious!

like the exciting couple we are, we had dinner, went to target and then went to a few grocery stores to get our favorite barbecue sauce to bring home with us. it was a perfect date; mainly because of the company. love.

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