Friday, March 25, 2016

on the road again

we needed to get home before easter so we said good-bye to papa and nana and hit the road early this morning. we had arranged to meet my dad's cousin and his wife for lunch just outside st. louis. i haven't seen them since college (they came to a volleyball game when we played at wash u.) and was so happy to get to visit them. we were hoping to see my great uncle charles but he wasn't up to a visit this time. they were a wonderful substitute. we had a great lunch and made plans to see each other again on our next trip through st. louis.

it wasn't a long visit but we enjoyed ourselves (and our lunch). i had the kids run some stairs before we got back into the car. we stopped for an afternoon snack of ice cream (claiming some free scoop vouchers that we picked up on our trip out). they were delighted.

we had some glorious weather for our drive back. love.

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