Friday, February 12, 2010

betty brinn with grandma

grandma came for a visit this weekend and we hit the ground running by taking her to the betty brinn children's museum on thursday morning. we hadn't been since madelyn first started walking so i was looking forward to seeing what she thought of it. not only did madelyn love it, but mason had a really great time too!

it was a little crowded at first because there was a kindergarten class (i think that is what grade it was) but then it really wasn't so bad and we really enjoyed two or three hours of fun - and maybe a little learning too.

madelyn likes seeing how the older kids do things and then jumps in and even tells them how to do it better (in the second video) - i wonder where she could possibly get that from...

it was hard to get madelyn to move between exhibits. between all the kids running around and all of the new 'toys' she could play with she just didn't lose interest with whatever she was doing very quickly. madelyn didn't want to leave at lunch time so i feel like this is a trip downtown that we will make again soon - and next time i want to bring daddy!

and here are just some more pictures of our morning at the museum:

grandma visited thursday through monday. i spent friday night through sunday morning in bed with food poisoning and, yes, fell even further behind. many of you haven't heard from me directly in a while and all i can do is apologize - sorry. i am going to try and do some catch up tonight and maybe i might get caught up this weekend. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Mason is getting so BIG! I hope you're feeling better. Good thing Grandma was there when she was and could help out. Still doing P90X?

Grandma Z. said...

It was such a fun time but way too short. Mason and Maddie are just as sweet as can be. What fun we had at the museum!!