- mason had his first teething biscuit on tuesday. madelyn had one too. i don't think that barley is her favorite flavor based on the face she made, but she did have another one today. (they come packaged in twos so maddie and mason have been splitting them.)
- mason is a patient little guy and that has been a really great thing - until recently. he has decided that he can cry - patiently - hour after hour in the wee hours of the morning until he breaks us. i think that it is his top teeth coming in but it doesn't always make me very sympathetic. last night he slept, but it took a while to go down - like three hours. tonight he felt asleep right away so hopefully he makes it all night.
- madelyn loves to play peek-a-boo with mason. i wish she could have refrained in the video below because i was trying to get him clapping his 'coins'. he was happily clapping the two coins in his hands together like symbols and then got distracted. it is almost a three minute video so besides mason laughing there isn't too much to it. (madelyn's hair looked like that when i picked her up from school. i guess he didn't want to wear her barrette any more.)
- madelyn just gets funnier and funnier. she has been testing out the things we say -mainly from discipline - on us and it makes us crack up. today she told me to pretend to be asleep and when i did she told me with finger wagging, "if you come out i will turn off your light. if you come out again no movies and no music." these have been her consequences recently for choosing not to clean up her toys in a timely fashion before bed (taking them away hasn't been enough motivation). but i am happy to say that after three nights of sad bedtimes, tonight she cleaned up all of her toys before bathtime the first time we asked and got to read books at bedtime.
- madelyn just gets funnier and funnier. she has been testing out the things we say -mainly from discipline - on us and it makes us crack up. today she told me to pretend to be asleep and when i did she told me with finger wagging, "if you come out i will turn off your light. if you come out again no movies and no music." these have been her consequences recently for choosing not to clean up her toys in a timely fashion before bed (taking them away hasn't been enough motivation). but i am happy to say that after three nights of sad bedtimes, tonight she cleaned up all of her toys before bathtime the first time we asked and got to read books at bedtime.

and just to make mommy out to be a liar she didn't repeat what she had been telling us about her purse and toolbelt before i got the camera. but she is still cute so i posted the video anyway. i just thought that she was funny carrying her tools in her 'purse', wearing a skirt over her dress, and wearing her leather toolbelt.
- mason was just going on and on while i was working yesterday so i thought that i would take some video but he was more interested in listening to maggie. (and i am not crazy, he was wearing a red and blue stripped jacket that made sense of the red pants with that shirt.)
- mason has gone back to "gak, gak, gak" as a favorite 'word' and added "boom, boom, boom" today.
i know that this is a random post but i didn't want anyone to go into withdrawal. love.
Good catch up- I was feeling a little withdrawal :) Lorelai's all about dress up all of a sudden, too. I saw your SIL, Abby, at MOPS this week. Mason is just getting cuter and cuter, and 'thinning' out in the face- losing some of the baby. Still want to eat him. Love Madelyn's use of discipline on you.
I agree...we had a bit of withdrawal as well. Especially Annabell, who has wanted to talk to aunt "chelle" a lot lately. I told her you work during the day and we have to wait. I'm sure she will be excited to talk to you soon. She will be at your moms Saturday so perhaps the girls could talk then...? Mason looks just like Matt to me! He is growing so fast!
I am pretty sure he is a musical prodigy! Boom Boom Gak is a black eye pee song!
Love to see Maddie making Mason laugh. I guess Daddy is responsible for maddie's love of tools! Mason is absolutely adorable! Great pics.
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