Monday, February 22, 2010

"i love gavin!"

i can't believe that this hasn't made the blog yet; madelyn has a friend at school named gavin. she often pretends to talk to him or "gavin's mom" on the phone. gavin is usually in most of her stories about school. she tells us that he is "so funny" and that she sits by him at lunch because he "makes [her] laugh". during valentine's week at school madelyn called out, "bye, gavin. i love you." as she was saying goodbye to all her friends and gavin returned an, "i love you," back to her. matt has gavin on his radar (half jokingly) and wished that i had not told him the last story. last night there was no denying her affection for her beloved gavin. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Boy, you guys sure got snubbed. Lorelai doesn't seem interested in boys yet. Probably because in most of her social interactions there is a ration of 8:1, girls to boys. She talks about Wade here and there. Oh, Matt's got a long few years ahead of him....

Grandma Z. said...

Well, at least she is sure that she loves Gavin. Whatever that means, but I know she definitely loves Daddy too, so Matt don't worry!You'll have to send us a picture of this Gavin. Just curious!!HAHA