the funny thing is that she always sits right next to him on the floor - physically touching - and then gets mad at him for touching her toys or leg or whatever. i try to explain that she

not that madelyn needed another reason to love going to sams club, but she loves that she can choose to sit next to mason in the cart. he was actually smiling in the first few pictures of madelyn's arm wrapped around him but with my phone most of them came out blurry because madelyn doesn't hold still long enough.
mason likes having her around too. although he has discovered that he has a chance at getting some toys when she isn't around. i couldn't figure out what he was doing on the way home from dropping madelyn off at school on monday. he was just grunting a lot and his head was really far forward. at a light i turned around to check things out and discovered that he was trying to get her books that she normally takes away from him.
i think that she is going to be in trouble when he finally gets to crawling. love.
Ha! sounds all too familiar. Kinley was calling for the puppy Lorelai holds in the car after we took her to school today. She knew not to ask for it when Lorelai was still in the car. Mason's head looks as big as Madelyn's in the first picture!
IT's always fun for the younger one when the older one is away. They can finally be the boss of themselves. Love Mason's toes in the first picture!You are right that Maddie will be in trouble when Mason gets moving!!
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