and since i started this post three days ago, here are the other things that have been going on. (did i mention that time flies?):

- mason started eating egg yolks this week. it sounds disgusting but his breakfast of egg yolk, avocado, and grains (yes, mixed together) is gobbled up.
- when madelyn wants something that we don't want her to have she says, "i will hold it so it doesn't get lost," with a smile and a nod. it makes us laugh every time. she is just so sure about it. she is a master at negotiations. matt and i really have to stay on our toes.

- on saturday madelyn told us that her favorite color was white now. this was an interesting shift from her favorite of orange over the past several months, so we asked her more about it. apparently milk is her inspiration and "milk" is her favorite word. that part wasn't all that surprising based on her milk consumption.
- madelyn never did the "cry when toys are taken away" milestone at 7 months. mason on the other hand has mastered it, but it is a very fake cry with a scrunched up nose and everything. i guess it takes an older sibling to help you reach that particular milestone.
- the most common question from madelyn this week is "what is the deal with...?" like, "mom, what is the deal with your knees?" or "what is the deal with my cup?" i am not too sure where she picked this up, but i am afraid that she might have gotten it from me.

-madelyn likes to layer her clothes for warmth, but she doesn't use appropriate layering items. for example she might put a short-sleeved t-shirt on under a smaller short-sleeved shirt. the best was when she wore an elmo tank top with ruffled sleeves under her turtle-neck dress. it looked funnier than it sounds as i type it...

- there are very few pictures of madelyn lately because she will not keep a shirt on when she is home! it is mainly because she is so messy and wants to wear pjs all day - they usually don't make it past lunch from food mess or playing with the dogs mess. there were some really, really cute ones today of the kids sitting side by side 'reading' a book in the chair in mason's room, but madelyn was only in her underwear. we just keep those pictures to embarrass her with later. love.
I get to see them in person tommorrow and can't wait! Love the pictures of Mason. He looks so handsome with his hair all slicked down. Maddie's mom was a real fan of running around in her underware also. I can picture the 2 of them in the swing just laughing away. See you soon!!!!
Isn't it amazing, what two-year-olds say? Lorelai's new faves are, 'I can handle it, mommy,' and 'I've got it under control, Mommy.' I KNOW she got these from me. And, Mason, oh, still so handsome!!!
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