that is until we rented one when we went to florida after mason was born. the dual sliding doors were what sold me. i didn't have to worry about bumping other cars with doors while loading and unloading kids. i didn't have to crouch over into an unnatural position to strap mason into his rear facing car seat. madelyn could get in on the same side as mason. it was just easier.
matt and i started saving and now we have taken the plunge. we got a 2011 toyota sienna. i really, really love it. it is probably the fanciest thing i have ever owned. madelyn has expressed her pleasure with the new ride too. (although there was a slight meltdown when we went to install her car seat after she had spent hours sitting in the regular seats during our 'tour' of the car). today she was thankful that the car had speakers so that she could hear her "bob music" (aka veggietales). she can see the speaker in the door so that was what prompted her declaration of gratitude.

thankfully, we stopped for bagels on our way to the dealership! i thought that it would take an hour or two to get everything taken care of, but it took almost four hours!!! and matt didn't have a valid drivers license (i know - long story) so he had to run home and get it which left me with both kids for at least an hour during the 'tour' of the car. i was not snacked-up enough for that long of an outing with the kids. we survived and the kids really did a great job of waiting patiently. mason even took a nap on my shoulder while we were in the business office signing all the forms. any way, back to the bagels.
einsteins has new "mini-bagels" 2 for 99 cents so we them for mason to chew on while we all had our bagels. he really thought that this was neat and enjoyed the chewie goodness! isn't he cute with his 'my size' bagel? love.
welcome to the club! we LOVE our mini van- the sliding doors are the best. Congrats!!!
Good lesson on NEVER SAY NEVER. I know that You and Matt have been saving for this for a long time and you now get to reap your reward. I also know that it has to last a very long time. Congratulations! Mason is always cute with bagel or without!
Hey, how many kids can you fit in that thing? HA Ask Matt!!
My deepest sympathies ... er, I mean, Congratulations! :)
That is AWESOME! We have started to look at minivans to get a price range to start to save towards (Started saving already). I always said I would NEVER drive one as well, then we rented one in TN and I can't wait to have one! haha. Especially since Ford's feet are cramped behind my seat! That is awesome that y'all got a 2011! CONGRATS!
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