mason has at least four upper teeth coming in. it has been rough as he has dealt with swollen gums, discomfort, lack of sleep (he would just scream and scream at bedtime), and congestion. the first one to be visible, but not break through, was the upper, left, lateral incisor. with all the swelling it still hasn't broken through, but the left, central incisor has (on the 16th). he is going to look like he has a crazy cross bite with his two central lower teeth and just his left teeth on top. unfortunately he has already discovered grinding with only three teeth! i am hoping that this is short lived.
on the 17th he started saying "da-da-da". it is mostly just a noise, but it does seem like he is calling me "ma-ma" and matt "da-da" now. mason is a little chatter box, but the camera distracts him into silence. i snuck up on him during lunch a few days ago and got him chattering. i also got a little of his finger food skills. he actually gets more in his mouth than the video shows, but you can see both of his techniques - pincher with his left hand and fisting with his right.
this kid is going to be standing before crawling at the rate he is going. he can pull himself up to standing and tries on everything he can reach. the problem is that he is so heavy that whatever he is pulling on usually ends up on top of him. everything that madelyn pulled up on early can't handle mason's weight/strength but it hasn't stopped him from trying. if he did cry so much i would take pictures of the items he has ended up under.
mason has also made strides with book time. this week he has finally gotten to where he will sit still and listen to an entire board book without trying to eat it or squirming all over trying to skip to the eating part of the bedtime routine. it was like a switch went off and now he loves to listen to books - which i love! madelyn likes that he doesn't pull on the book now too. she found it to be pretty distracting when she tried to join us for bedtime stories.
and there is your update on mason. love.
I love how he was babbling, sees you, stops, and smiles :) It took Kinley a while to enjoy book time, too. his hands look so big :)
Mason is saying da-da good and I knew he said ma-ma. When he finally does get moving, I'm afraid you will see a very curious Mason!!! It won't surprise me if he starts walking first!
Cute pictures.
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