my doctor gave me the choice of inducing today or waiting until thursday (she doesn't want me to go longer than that). after talking about it we decided that i would call matt who was home with the kids while mason napped and see what he thought while i sat for my stress test. if the stress test didn't look good i wouldn't have a choice anyway so it seemed like we should just get that going. the problem with going in today was that my doctor would most likely not be able to do the delivery (they wouldn't get me going until 3pm and she needed to leave by 6/6:30) and she is off tomorrow. i called matt and he said that it was really up to me.
the stress test came back fine (baby is healthy). and i can't even believe it, but i chose to wait until thrusday! i didn't get much sleep last night and haven't been having a lot of contractions so i just wasn't feeling that today was the day. we'll see what baby boy thinks about things but the plan is for me to be admitted on thursday morning at 7:30am. love.
23 pounds isn't much -- although I probably only gained 21-22 with Erik and around 27 with Lainey. Maybe the old wives tale about girls taking your figure applies. :) You look great -- looks like baby boy has put those 23 pounds to good use!
I hope you go into labor on your own before Thursday. I'll be praying for a smooth delivery!
Wowza!!! That is one big belly. Looking forward to Thursday. At least you kind of know when the end of pregnancy will be. That's got to be kind of nice. I can't wait to see if the ticker goes negative. :)
Oh my goodness! So now the question is, will he wait until then!!! I can't wait! We are so excited. Please call if he decides to come early!!! Thanks!
Well, I guess Maddux wanted to give you a very big present for your anniversary. Such a thoughtful little guy already! You look terrific!
Can't wait to hold him!
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