after some debate and uncertainty it was decided that maddux and i would be allowed to leave the hospital last night. the decision came around 4pm so the nursing staff started scrambling to get us out of there. the biggest item that needed to be taken care of was getting a 'bili blanket' for maddux. he didn't have any light therapy at the hospital but they wanted him on it if we went home.
all the hospital staff thought that we would be staying until friday, but matt and i were hoping to be released on thursday. i just like to get home and back to normal as soon as possible. the bummer about maddux' glow worm status is that we have to keep him plugged in 24/7 until we get the all clear from his pediatrician (we meet with her at the office today) so we can't really leave the house yet.

it took a while to figure out the best sleeping arrangement last night because of the tubing off of maddux' blanket. we tried letting him sleep in the swing in our room but after several ins and outs i ended up getting him into the miracle blanket and his crib. between the jaundice and his hep-b vaccine i was having some trouble getting him to eat and that was part of the problem getting him settled. i was so happy when he ate and went to sleep around 11:30pm and even happier when i went in to wake him up at 7:30am! it would have been the perfect night if it hadn't have been for madelyn and mason waking up around 4am and it taking a while (and moving a bookshelf) before they settled back down to sleep.
i loved sitting on the couch this morning and watching a cartoon with all three kiddos this morning! welcome home, maddux! love.
Oh, my! That's a lot of sleep for a newbie in one stretch! I remember having to wake the girls to feed them - after like 3 hrs at the most. Guess that's not the case when you're 11 lbs. at birth. Glow worm... I love it. :) Glad everyone is getting settled in at home.
Maddux is too cute! So glad you had a good first night even with all the glow stuff. I guess Maddie and Mason have alot to adjust to, but I know they will do just fine. It's nice you had a good morning too.
His little hands are HUGE!!! look at his fingers! He is going to be a big boy! BUT my friends daughter was 11 lbs and she's one of the smallest in the family...so who knows!
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