maddux is quickly out growing his "little brother" onesie so i decided that we had to go get pictures done at jcpenny during big pop and grandma's visit (and it was our first chance after the light blanket therapy). maddux' hospital pictures were just awful. and they tried like 4 or 5 times to get some with his eyes open. the nurse said that she was really having a difficult time because he was too big to fit in the frame too. so we really wanted to get a "newborn" picture done now that he was opening his eyes more. unfortunately, jcp redid their photo site and i can't download the previews any longer, but i was able to figure out a work around so that i could post some of my favorites - where there is a will, there is a way...

and remember, mason had spent the night before vomiting. i have included one that shows the look on his face when i decided that he was done with pictures.

and since we were already at the mall with presentable appearances, i thought that we would take a stab at a picture with santa. i also thought that it would be nice for madelyn to tell santa about our move to ohio since that has recently come up as a concern (having christmas at "our house" in wisconsin, not if santa would be able to find us). madelyn sat and chatted with santa for a bit while i got mason and maddux out of the stroller. i am not sure what she asked for but it sounded like she was just saying yes to whatever santa suggested.
the photographer thought that mason was going to cry for sure, but we got a decent picture with both older kids looking at the camera and no one crying. the official, purchased picture is better than this one i snapped but scanning it is more trouble than it is worth right now - you will just have to take my word for it.

once we were finished with pictures we went to get some lunch and do a little shopping. matt was hosting an open house on sunday and needed us to stay out for a few hours. mason finally gave into sleep after lunch and he really, really needed to get some rest. we thought that it was pretty funny that he managed to keep a very tight grip on his water cup the whole time too.
while he slept we went to barnes and noble for madelyn to play with the train table while i nursed maddux. it also allowed me the opportunity to find a book i needed to get for christmas (we don't just go there for the train table, we actually do buy things on occasion). everyone was pretty tired by the time we were finally able to go home and make the quick stop before heading off to the christmas parade! yes, we had a very busy weekend (for us any way). more on that in the next post. love.
by the way, this is my 800th post. love.
You are so good about your JcP pictures. I need to do that. Especially with three because its harder and harder to get all in one shot. Great shots :)
Nice pictures! I especially like the one with all three of them (top one) and the one of Maddux (that is on the right). Yes, Mason looks a little pale in them. You had a busy weekend. Can't believe you did so much with Maddux only being 2 weeks old (or less). My mom talks about the old days when they kept women in the hospital for a week!!! Can you imagine that? Love, Nana G.
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