mason was interested in maddux and did a very nice job of touching him gently but was more interested in checking out the hospital room and drinking water from my styrofoam cup with a bendy straw. in the picture with him smiling he was genuinely happy to be checking out maddux. that is, until he started trying to pull the blankets off of him and had to be removed

These are the sweetest pictures of Maddie holding Maddux. I think Mason might be the reason God made Maddux so big. He will definitely have to be able to hold his own. Love all the pictures!
I can't get over his size. At least since he's not teeny tiny, you won't have to worry as much about his 'bigs' handling him... maybe... well maybe not worry about Madelyn.
He is so adorable. I loved watching Maddie hold him tonight. It was the sweetest thing. Mason was so curious too -- not always about Maddux, but wait till you both get home. Wow you all have a lot of changes coming up. Thanks for the pictures. It is so hard to be far away. Love, Nana G.
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