Wednesday, November 24, 2010


maddux is two weeks old today! i can't believe that it has only been two weeks. matt and i were talking about it last night saying that it feels like it has been much longer that maddux has been a part of our family (that is a really awkward sentence and probably a run-on). i actually didn't take any pictures of maddux today (i was working on loads and loads of laundry and holding a very clingy little boy) but thought of some other points of interest about him to post.

maddux has been sleeping 5-8 hour stretches at night. i put him down for the night between 10 and 11 and he gets up only once before 8am. last night he did a cluster feed (three feedings every 1-2 hours) before going down for 7 hours. it looks like he is going to be a sleeping champ like his big sister and brother.

generally he eats every 3 hours and eats like he has never had a meal before. i am interested to see how much weight he has gained at his next check-up. he has started wearing 3 month sized clothes and i think we will be moving him up to size 2 diapers in the next week or so.

and i am pretty sure that maddux is smiling at us. he makes eye contact and smiles. he even smiled at madelyn. his expression is sort of like when you see an old friend and smile at them in recognition. maybe i can get a picture tomorrow... love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Another good sleeper - you lucky gal! I'm guessing you don't wake him to feed him. I so hope that's the case with our #3!! And 3 hours stretches at 2 weeks (day time) - that's amazing!