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happy boy. |
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i am not sure what happened with the flash washing him out like that, but look at that big ole foot! |
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this was the first 9 month shirt i put on maddux just to see if they fit. it is a little loose because maddux is skinny but it is not too long. |
- maddux spits-up a lot. in frequency and quantity. obviously he is getting enough to eat and he eats a lot. he will nurse for an hour if i let him. madelyn and mason both were great nursers and when they would have a long feed i would "let-down" a second time, but with maddux i let-down three times during at least a third of his feedings! at night he cluster feeds and has even eaten beyond his capacity and it all comes back up. madelyn did this once or twice but maddux had done this at least five times now. it isn't reflux or normal spit up. it only happens at night when he has had three feedings in three hours or less and happens during a feed - i know it is a capacity problem. it doesn't bother him in the slightest. after a complete change of clothes for him and me, he nurses to bed for the night just fine. he never even cries. although i often feel like crying after a vomit milk bath. yuck.
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i just thought that he looked kind of funny sleeping with is arm out like that. you can also see how large his hands are. |
- maddux has started scooting himself a little when laying down. he can turn himself in his crib a little and can get himself off a blanket on the floor. he was being sort of chatty tonight but i don't think much of that was caught in the video.
- maddux did roll over from belly to back this week too. i didn't note it sooner because i wondered if it was more of a loss of balance than a roll, but i am counting it as his first. now i just wish that i could remember the exact day...
- sleep. this has just been all over the place since we moved. the week before we left wisconsin maddux was consistently sleeping 7-9 hours. the night in the hotel he got up twice and has been off ever since. for about a week he was getting up twice a night (or more) and staying awake some of those feedings. it might just be growth spurt related given his rapid change in sizes since we arrived in ohio, but i really wish that he could get back to a full night of sleeping. there have been other factors too. he outgrew the miracle blanket although i don't think that was a big deal to him. and we have all had a congestion/cough type of cold that he has been struggling with too. last night was the worst with about a 3 hour wake spell from 12:20 until at least 3:30 of coughing, choking, and crying. its like the phlegm is in his throat because he nurses just fine so it is not his nose. i ended up holding him all night and he slept great - me and daddy, not so much. he seems much better tonight so we will see what happens. i can handle once a night and am hoping to get back to 8 hours in the next week or so once he gets past this cold.
we couldn't ask for a better third baby. he is very content to be in his swing and tolerates all the love and affection from his siblings. there is hardly a day that goes by where i don't think, "gee it is good that he is big and tough" because mason is a big boy and he loves to snuggle his little brother. we all do. love.
OOh, that first picture looks so Madelyn :) At least you don't have to wean him out of the miracle blanket :) Hope the sleep is better.his hands are huge :)
our little ones are thumb suckers too.. and I can hear them all the way in the other room as well! I read that you were in WI.. I'm from there ..miss the snow! Our twins haven't waken up in the night during a growth spurt, but they did feed EVERY hour in the daytime. It's good to know though that it's only temporary :)
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