Monday, January 10, 2011

do it yourself

mason has been in desperate need of a haircut.  matt and i have been debating about whether to leave it shaggy or to shave it off which has led to us doing nothing.  last week at church the check-in lady for the toddler room called him a boy and then corrected herself and called him a boy before we let her know that he was a boy.  not that that changed our minds, but it emphasized that we needed to do something.  so, as you can see from the pictures, we took it all off on saturday night.  mason cried at first when he saw his hair falling but then he calmed down and sat on my lap while daddy lightened his load. 

(by the way - never one to like being left out, madelyn asked us to shave her hair off too.  we told her that was not something we were willing to do.)

if you couldn't tell he was a boy before, you sure can now!  i miss his shaggy, floppy hair, but this suits him too.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Oh, he is even cuter!! He looks like a year older now. Adorable. The explanation sentence about the church lady is a little confusing.

Our family said...

Beautiful little boy! He won't be mistaken for a girl anymore! I am impressed that Matt did that himself (and that you let him)! There is no way I would let Victor take a razor to Erik's head!

Grandma Z. said...

He is such a handsome little guy. Matt did a great job!