Wednesday, January 19, 2011


i told matt that this day would probably come, but i was surprised that it came after we cut all mason's hair off.  love.
the happy hairdresser

mason tried to help too. (his face is covered in 'chocolate' from his cliff bar.)

out on the town with his hair 'did'.

the front of her "cinderella" hair.  she did not want to have her picture taken.

and from the back as she tried to run away from me.

i love maddux' expression - like "what is on your head?"


Witenkling Mommy said...

What a sport Mason is! I love the do's. DId they go in public like that?

Grandma Z. said...

You did this with your brothers. They had the same expression as Mason. What a precious picture of Maddux looking at the crazy hair of his big sister.

Grandma Z. said...

Dad says he'll have to talk to Matt about the bows in Mason's hair. He says get that boy a baseball and bat!