Monday, January 17, 2011

first laughs and 2-month check-up

i am so behind on posts!  where we have the computer set up isn't all that child-proofed so i am having a hard time getting my computer time in during the day.  that and madelyn is desperate for companionship while the boys are napping.  work is given priority for my after bedtime time - you know, cause they pay me.  so the next few posts might be picture with caption heavy to try and get caught up.

early last week i realized that mason was laughing.  i had heard him make happy noises that i thought were laughs, but i just thought that it was too early.  and then matt brought my "what to expect" book back from wisconsin and i realized that, no, i wasn't hearing things - he is laughing. 

so maddux had his first laugh about two weeks ago.  sorry that i didn't get the exact date, kiddo...

today i took him in for his two-month check-up with his new pediatrician.  i liked the doctor.  she was on the younger side and patiently listened to all of madelyn's explanations while we tried to talk about maddux (and mason) since the appointment was not for madelyn.  i like it when the doctor doesn't seem rushed - even though i know that she was in a hurry.

the appointment was at 9am and when i googled the office i guess i got an old address and had to reroute to the actual address.  it is a good thing that i always double travel time when i go somewhere for the first time to allow a 'getting lost' cushion.  what i don't understand is why they didn't mail me the 5-pages of information i needed to fill out for each boy ahead of time?  it isn't easy to recall dates and family history (and write it twice) while trying to watch small children who are exploring a new place - with a fish tank.  the kids really were well behaved and madelyn made a quick friend named "anna" that was about her age.  and there were crayons and color sheets to keep them busy too.  it just could have been easier.

i know i keep saying how huge maddux is and now i can prove it.  even by our family's standards, he is a very big boy!  here are his stats from today with madelyn and mason's at the same age for comparison:

height: 26-1/2 inches (madelyn - 25", mason - 25-3/4")
weight: 15-1/2 pounds (madelyn - 12# 5oz., mason - 14# 2 oz.)
head: 80th percentile

the nurse was rattling off the information so quickly i had to have her repeat it twice.  she just said "off the charts" for height and weight, no specific percentile.  given that mason has always been 97th and higher i can only guess that maddux must be in the 99th range.

the picture is from a few days ago.  that outfit is a size 9 months!  it is a little big but not by much.  he is pretty much wearing 6-9 months clothes and needs to move to a size 3 diaper (i am just trying to use up all the size 2 but he is blowing them out so regularly that i need to just cut my losses - maybe we will have a fourth...).  he has almost outgrown his "bundle me" on the carrier and has long since outgrown the miracle blanket for sleeping.  i think his size might have something to do with his still getting up once or twice a night (usually 1/2am and 5/6am on a two-timer).  although he did sleep 9 hours last night.  he just isn't very consistent and i can't figure out any obvious reason for the irregularity.  one thing that is consistent is his spitting up!  mason was such an easy baby because he could wear the same outfit all day.  maddux is like madelyn in that he blows out diapers and spits up so much that he wears about four outfits a day.

i am hoping that he learns to sit up early because this boy is going to need more calories!  the other two started solids around 4-months because they stopped sleeping through the night.  and not just that, but the carrier is already getting super heavy (and his feet are hanging off the end); i am going to be ready to ditch that thing the second he can sit up to ride in a cart.

so there is a little info on maddux.  he is the definition of "happy spitter" and couldn't be a sweeter baby - thank goodness!  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Yay for a good new ped! Did you grab papers for Madelyn on the way out :) Amazing how big Maddux still is. I so hope that happy third babies is a trend continued in our house - it seems that way for everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Both pics are precious but the first one in blue is sooooo cute. I just want to pinch him and squeeze him :) What a big boy! I can imagine he is heavy and to manage him and a running Mason -- don't know how you do it.
Love, Nana G.

Grandma Z. said...

He's a sweet little dumpling, well a sweet large dumpling!! He is absolutely adorable and I love his sweet smile! I can see both Maddie and Mason in Maddux. Love the pictures.

Our family said...

He is a BIG boy! He sure is cute!!