Wednesday, January 26, 2011

final wisconsin move - day 2 into day 3

the good thing about being back in wisconsin is that i know where to take the kids!  wednesday morning we loaded up after having einstein bagels for breakfast and went to kids in motion.  we had gone once just before moving and i knew that madelyn would be very excited to go back.  plus, i knew that it was somewhere that i could take all three kids on my own and they could run around without it being too stressful for me.

madelyn was a wonderful helper.  she helped to take great care of mason, played with him nicely, went where ever he did without complaint, and was generally a very pleasant and agreeable girl.  it was fun to see them playing together so nicely.

madelyn and mason using a little teamwork to fill the dump truck with soy beans.

madelyn in the music room.
i think the dump truck room is everyone's favorite room.  there are always kids in there.  i know mason loved it.  he cried when i suggested that we try something else (since madelyn was itching to see some more and i really wanted them to burn off a little energy).  i ultimately had to pick him up and carry him out.  he was fine once i walked through the door frame and he saw all the other fun things to do and took off running.

we picked up some lunch from panera on our way home (i had called in our order so that i wouldn't have to unload three hungry kids) and got mason and maddux down for naps after we ate. 

i had convinced matt to hire some movers for a few hours to help him load up the furniture and heavier pieces that i could not help with moving.  madelyn and i tried to stay out of their way.  matt and i realized that we didn't have any cash to tip the movers so madelyn and i ran up to walgreens to get some cash (the bank was too far).  i guess walgreens changed their policy recently from $40 per transaction to $20, so i had to make three separate purchases.  i had originally selected a pack of gum and starburst candies for our transactions but now needed something else - quick.  madelyn seized the moment and spotted a display of lollipops.  it was her lucky day - and she knew it.
madelyn enjoying her strawberry shortcake flavored lollipop. (she didn't know what the flavor would be, she just picked it out because it was 'red'.)
maddux was such a happy boy with little to no attention.  (he was in a more masculine outfit - see his socks - but he had a poopie blow-out and had to be changed into a spare.)
wednesday night was such a blur, i can't even remember what we did for dinner.  we talked about pizza, but that wasn't it... whatever it was, we ate and put the kids to bed so that matt and i could get serious about finishing up.  there was still A LOT to do and we were closing at 10am the next morning.  around 1:30am we could tell that it was going to be an all night affair.  since we were going to have a long drive and i needed to be able to take care of the kids, we decided that i should go to sleep.  most of what was left were the few miscellaneous things for matt to go through and there just wasn't a lot left for me to help him with towards the end. 

i laid down at 1:45am and maddux woke up to be fed at 2am.  i put him back down at 2:30am and madelyn came in some time around 4am to sleep with me - we were sharing a twin air mattress so you can guess at how much sleep i actually got.  i woke up around 6am, i think.  matt had not been to sleep and was still loading.  we were both exhausted, but closing day was here and snow or not (yes, it was unfortunately snowing) we had to get out on time.  more in the next post... love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Good thing you convinced him to hire a couple of movers for all the heavy stuff. Looks like the kids had a great time while you guys busted your bums. You did a great job - they had no clue.