Thursday, March 29, 2012

29 weeks

sorry, i don't have a picture.  for some reason, i scheduled doctors appointments over spring break.  at least the weather wasn't nice or i would have been very upset.  i had a check-up and my second glucose test.  they were giving me a second test because maddux was so big they wanted to make extra sure that it wasn't from gestational diabetes.  (and the results showed that i am fine.)  it actually worked out good that grandma was here because i got to leave the kids at home and read by myself for an hour (they make you drink it in the office and wait the hour for your blood to be drawn).

my belly was measuring right at 29 weeks which was a relief after being told that i was measuring big last time (not too much of a relief since i didn't measure big with maddux).  baby's heart rate was good too.  nothing too exciting at this point.  my appointments will be every two weeks now so we are getting closer.  i am slowing down quite a bit and have a limp from hip pain when i first get up from sitting or laying down (i blame this on maddux' size because it is how my hips ached at the end of my pregnancy with him).  i get around just fine once i walk off the stiffness though.  an updated picture to come...  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

29 weeks! wowza! now even more- you're on the home stretch!