poor mason got the same stomach bug madelyn had. the worst part being that he feels fine and is hungry but can't keep down even water. it just broke my heart to hear him crying for food but not wanting to give it to him. it is difficult to explain to a two year old that while he is hungry, if he eats he will throw up again. he was even more upset when i told him that he couldn't go to swimming lessons that night.
all that throwing up does make one tired though, so he did take a little nap on the couch. |
maddux decided to start his afternoon nap on the couch too. |
i spent almost the entire day sitting with him while he watched cartoons so that i could help him with his 'vomit bucket'. he couldn't quite get the hurry-to-the-bathroom part and it was just neater to sit with him. to keep him in one spot (remember he felt fine and was dancing all around), i let him watch as many cartoons as he wanted. we read some books too but it made it more difficult for me to observe his throw-up cues.
madelyn and maddux were more than willing to support their brother by watching cartoons too. i know, such love and sacrifice.
happy to say that it was just a 24 hour bug and he was perfectly healthy in the morning. (i still had to keep him home from school - another difficult conversation.) love.
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