Tuesday, March 27, 2012

15-month check-up

i finally got maddux in for his "15-month" well check, so what if he is almost 17-months...  in my defense, i couldn't schedule the appointment until they received his medical records from our old pediatrician.  for some reason i took an appointment right at lunch time.  it worked out much better than i ever would have thought but it was a risk. especially when i realized that it was spring break and i would have all three kids with me.

the kids like this pediatrician because of the animal cookies, lollipops and stickers.  i just realize more and more how special our pediatrician in wisconsin was - i knew she was special at the time, but it has been hard finding a replacement here.

anyway, here are maddux' stats...

height: 34-1/2 inches (99th percentile)
weight: 25.6 lbs (57th percentile)
head circumference: 19-3/4 inches (97th percentile)

long and lean.  the doctor said at this growth rate, he will be 6'3".  maddux also got three shots which i think upset madelyn more than him.  maddux passed out as soon as he got settled in his car seat and i thought it was funny the way his lollipop stick is hanging out of his mouth (he wasn't eating it, just 'holding' it on the ride home).

here are just a few more notes about maddux at this age.

- he loves wearing hats.  or i should probably say trying hats on.  he often wants to wear a winter hat when we get ready to take the kids to school and has a hard time seeing a hat and not trying it on.
 - he also has a hard time passing a bench or chair without having a seat.  i think he just likes how he can get up all by himself.

- he has pretty much stopped sitting in the booster chair at the table and sits on the bench with his brother and sister for meals and snacks.  i miss being able to strap him in, but he is getting better and better about not wandering around while eating.

- maddux likes to 'read' in the car and has such a studious expression.
- he has more and more 'words' and just delights in being able to repeat what i say or the animal noises we might make.  i think his favorite part is being understood.  he did say "pa-pa" for the first time last week while we were skyping; he watched me say it and then repeated the sound.  he is working on 'names' for madelyn, mason and himself.  his words for "mason" and "maddux" are very, very close and i can't distinguish between them yet.  he calls madelyn "sis" at her request - this is also what mason calls her or "mads".

- maddux often out eats all of us.  it is amazing how much food he can fit in his stomach!

- he still takes an afternoon nap, but i don't have very high hopes for him keeping it much past two.  some days he only naps 30 minutes, but usually it is two hours.

- maddux is a very good sharer and cleaner-upper.  he shares nicely when asked nicely and i have been working with madelyn and mason on not just snatching something from him when he shouldn't have it; generally, he will give it right back when they ask calmly with a "please".  and he loves finding things that can go in the trash can.

- maddux has no 'lovey' and does not suck his thumb.  i think he might grind his teeth and/or bite the tip of his right pointer finger when going to sleep though.

- after both grandmas visit this month, we are going to be moving maddux into a twin bed and getting the crib set up in madelyn's room.  maddux is very ready for the move.

- maddux will take you by the hand and lead you to what he wants.  or he will pat where he wants you to sit.

- he likes to sit on the little potty while i am going to the bathroom.

- overall, maddux is a lover of a boy.  i say that he 'obsessively' loves me (matt agrees).  if mason tries to sit on my lap, maddux will dive like he is sliding into home in an attempt to beat mason there.  i am trying to wean maddux a little, and he is getting better.  madelyn says that he is going to be in big trouble when the new baby comes.  maddux is already getting frustrated at my shrinking lap space.  mason had a similar transition pre-baby but i do think maddux might have a little more trouble.

we love our little man.  he loves being a 'big boy' and we look forward to watching him transition into 'big brother'!  love.

1 comment:

Our family said...

Carson is mom obsessed too. If I hold Lainey in my lap he comes over immediately and bites my leg (or hers). Yikes! He has also started screaming in the church nursery and gym daycare. Poor little thing will be in for a shock when I am going later this month. :(