Tuesday, September 3, 2013

first day of preschool

to say that maddux was excited about his first day ever of preschool would be an understatement.  i have never seen him get ready so quickly.  he wasn't interested in any of his new clothes or his new shoes.  i did talk him out of the original shirt he selected since it was pretty ratty looking.  i could not talk him out of the tattered shoes - oh well.  they are his favorite pair.  i also could not talk him into taming his hair.  he wouldn't be 'maddux' without crazy hair so that was okay too.  we did get him a fresh bandaid for his knee though.

i tried to get a picture of all three school kids this morning but mason was not interested in pictures.
we waited at the bus stop with madelyn and once she was safely off to school, we hustled into the car and took the boys to school.  thankfully mason was willing to stand still for a few pictures once we got there!  maddux is holding a picture of the family.  his teacher asked for the kids to bring a "comfort item"to school today but he doesn't have one so we thought a family picture would work.  what i didn't account for is that mason would want one too.  i couldn't find another picture and thankfully he was fine with it.
the teachers were busy this morning so we just took pictures by their classroom doors.  mason was the more timid but no one cried or hesitated about going in.
i treated myself to a starbucks coffee on the way home and manning opted for a nap this morning!  (he hasn't been feeling his best and we went to a party at a neighbor's house saturday night that had him up way past bedtime.)  so i am sipping my 'fancy' salted caramel mocha coffee and enjoying some productive alone time this morning.

i can't wait to hear all about their first days!  love.


Anonymous said...

So glad you got a coffee and enjoyed a few peaceful moments. I think Maddux's comfort item was his slippers! They probably made him feel comfortable!! So cute. I love that kid (well, all of them of course) -- he just reminds me so of Derek (as you've heard b/f). I hope they had a good day!!

Grandma Z. said...

They are all adorable and look like they love getting to go to school. Happy for Mom!!