Thursday, July 10, 2014


if you look closely at this picture you can see the white barcode from my keyring. yes, my keys - in the storm drain. what is worse is that when i parked in the spot right in front of the storm drain i thought, 'i bet my keys would fall right down there if i dropped them.' and then i walked around to open the back of the van and dropped them right in the storm drain! seriously?!

at least it wasn't very full or very deep. i did have a moment of 'um...what do i do now?' we had just gotten to the pool and were unloading. i guess this is the perfect time to meet the new neighbors across the street from the pool.

so i headed across the street with the four kiddos in tow and about a million and one questions all at once being thrown at me - "what are you going to do? how will we get home? what if you didn't have your phone? will we ever drive the car again? are the keys gone? where are we going? what are the new neighbors' names? do you know them? why are we going to their house? what are you going to do with a hanger? do you think we can go in their house? how will you give them their hanger back? how are you going to reach the keys?"

one wire hanger later, i was holding my keys (and, thankfully, the fob still worked). crisis adverted. and then i was told several times to "never, ever park in that spot again." don't worry about that. love.

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