Tuesday, July 22, 2014

the return of the nap

manning has started napping again. it isn't at a set time but when he is tired, he just gives into it. today was a first for falling asleep at the table while eating. i had to check his mouth for pretzels before he moving him to his bed.

but he is so funny about napping! if he is tired, he just goes to his room and goes to sleep. if we are outside, he asks to go in and just goes to his room and falls asleep (i come in and check on him). we only wish that he went to bed at night that easily!



Witenkling Mommy said...

I still can't believe your kids fall asleep at the table. Walks into his room on his own??? But I must say I love that Knox goes down at 6:45/7 without fuss now that he is not napping.

Anonymous said...

Those cheeks looked like they could have had pretzels in them :) So cute and nice that he knows when it is time to rest.