Saturday, July 12, 2014

walk for wyatt

today was the "walk for wyatt" in cape coral. some friends organized a walk to pray for wyatt and his family and to celebrate all of the ways God has blessed them so far in wyatt's healing. we weren't able to actually be there but we dressed in turquoise like everyone at the walk was asked to do and prayed for wyatt. there are so many who are loving and supporting wyatt and his family - over 100 people came out for the walk. these are the times when "thank you" just isn't enough to express the gratitude.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

The sea of turquoise on Saturday was amazing. I loved seeing people who were not at the Walk post themselves in turquoise on FB that day as well. The event was more than I could have hoped for. Very blessed.