madelyn has been interested in gingerbread men since she got a baking set for christmas last year that has a gingerbread man shaped cookie cutter. since christmas is once again around the corner and i had some time off from work, i thought that we would try to make some.
after the house cleared out yesterday, daddy, madelyn, and i got set up on the table to roll out some dough and make some cookies. madelyn didn't want to wait for them to bake, she just wanted to eat the raw dough! i don't have a rolling pin (never needed one or just used the side of a can) so we used the one from madelyn's baking set. now that i think about it we should have used her little cookie cutters instead of buying some - oh well.

we made gingerbread men/women and trees. we only baked about half the dough because we were getting tired of rolling to dough out and didn't need too many cookies. i must say that they turned out pretty well considering that i had never made them before and haven't really baked much since madelyn was born. we all made a cookie to enjoy. they weren't that pretty, but there will be time to decorate some that look pretty later. here is some video of madelyn (and daddy) making a masterpiece.

and just in case you were wondering about mason while we were all having yummy fun, he was just hanging out in the exersaucer. daddy told him that maybe he could make his own next year. love.
Very impressive. Trae has been asking about Gingerbread men and cookies, so its on my Christmastime list, too.But I'm impressed with how early you got it done! Nice work!
Nice job to all the g-family. mason is just too cute.
Well, this is absolutely the sweetest thing I've seen in awhile. Maddie looks like she really loves gingerbread cookies and Mason looks like he is at least 2. You are doing a great job!
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