- "shares and cooperates with other children - still working on sharing:)"
-"recognizes name in written form - knows hers starts with an m"
at least there are no 3s - "i need more experience with this". of course i took it more as a failure on my part. how could i not have taught her to recognize her own name?! and you know that i came home and started trying to get her to spell her name and read it when i wrote it. and, yes, i know that i am overreacting. and i am not really upset about it.
here are a few other stories:
- madelyn has had a stopped up nose and blowing it a lot. when she needs to blow it she parks a finger in a nostril. she isn't picking/digging, but just holding a finger in it. the other night madelyn was using blowing her nose as a stall tactic. she went and got her step-stool to reach her tissue and i went to see what she was doing. she happily greeted me with "look! i found a pink one!" yep, she had made her nose bleed and just thought that it was a new kind of booger. at least she wasn't freaked out by the blood.
- madelyn likes to play hide and seek with daddy. the funny part is that she doesn't hide. she goes to hide, but then she jumps out and yells as soon as daddy stops counting. and then when she looks for daddy she looks in the most ridiculous places, like in mason's exersaucer or under the couch pillows.
Way to go Maddie!
I don't know what you are talking about! The report looks perfect to me!!! Maddie is just smart and doesn't want you and the teacher to know that she knows everything.
Impressive that her 'school' gives a report card. I was just saying how I'd like to know how/what Lorelai is doing at school. Every time I ask her, I get, 'I played.' Very descriptive. I think she'd have low marks in sharing, too. At least from what I've seen around here with Kinley. I love how descriptive her teacher was (in writing). Don't beat yourself up over anything. Maddie is one smart cookie and most everything she knows, she's learned from you.
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