madelyn found a pretzel crumb on the floor after snack time and started to put it in her mouth. when i told her not to eat it she stuck it right up her nose! i didn't see it go up her nose, but she told me that she stuck it up there. when i looked up her nose i couldn't even see it! i knew that it was a big enough piece to be worried so i plugged her other nostril and had her blow, and blow, and blow. thankfully it came out.
wednesday night has become grocery night (double-coupons!) so i was planning the week's meals and getting my coupons together at the last minute. of

course madelyn wanted to help so when i went to the bathroom this is what i came back to find. we actually have a lot of fun doing the shopping on wednesday nights. there aren't that many people in the store and madelyn can run down the aisles. she and daddy go on "missions" to find things i missed or just because i am moving too slow. her favorite "mission" is taking a coupon and looking for the item pictured on it. she loves having permission to pull something off the shelf and put it into the cart. love.
Wow- check you out, skimming through cookbooks for meal ideas! I'll do that again someday. What a great idea to have her look for pictures of items on coupons. Lorelai would love that! I should try it when Jon is shopping with us.
PS- that is a large piece of pretzel she stuck up there! glad it came out without too much resistance.
AAAHHH!! Sticking things up the nose is not a good thing :) hopefully the pretzel will be the last of it.
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