later in the day she got a little more cooperative and i had her 'teach' me how to make glasses. she had shown me how to do it while we were driving home from the grocery store on wednesday and i thought that it was pretty funny. i had never seen it explained with the triangle like intro.

it has taken me so long to complete this post from thursday that i am going to finish up with a bunch of miscellaneous notes:
- one of madelyn's new favorite expressions is "that's cool." it must be something she learned at school because we don't use "cool" much around here. the funny thing is that she uses it correctly every time. she uses it to say that something is neat and to agree that something is fair.
- madelyn often comforts mason by saying, "it's okay, buddy. there is nothing to be afraid of." there is just something about the ways she says "buddy" that makes me laugh.
- i hadn't mentioned this and wanted to have it noted - mason loves to have his back pat. and it isn't enough just to pat it, he likes to have it pat very firmly. when he can't settle in to nursing because madelyn is distracting him or he is too hungry and fussy i just pat his bottom and he settles right down. he doesn't like to rock (neither did madelyn) but patting his back calms him right down. i think it comes from how gassy he used to be.
- madelyn was cradling friend the other day and told me that friend was sick. when i asked what was wrong she said that he needed candy.
- two humidifiers was all it took for mason and madelyn to go back to sleeping through the night. madelyn goes to sleep with a small light in her room but we turn it off after she falls asleep. she tells me all the time that monsters are pretend and that there is nothing to be afraid of.
- mason is starting to settle in to a napping routine. he takes two 3 hour naps, 9-12 and 1:30-4:30. of course he doesn't always get to follow this routine because of taking and picking up madelyn to and from school, but those days he just adds a short nap in around dinner time. it is nice to know that he is getting such great sleep now.
- we were driving around on friday morning running errands and when we passed a playground madelyn asked to go play.
madelyn - "i want to go to the playground."
mommy - "sorry, honey, we don't have time to go right now."
madelyn - "i want to go the playground now, you can wait in the car with mason."
mommy, laughing - "what?"
madelyn - "i said you can wait in the car with mason."
- "i said" is her new sassy response when i didn't hear her or question her response like suggesting that she should do what i originally asked (she was not being sassy in the previous story, it just reminded me of the phrase). she has quickly learned that is not an effective way to negotiate with mommy.

- on the way to church madelyn was telling us about how mickey mouse lives in a barn (we pass several barns on the way to church). it is actually a giant who has a barn on mickey mouse clubhouse and i was asking her about him and trying to see if she or i could remember his name. but madelyn starting asking about giants. i told her that giants were just pretend. "why?" "because people don't really grow that tall." but then i got to thinking about it. if mickey mouse was really a mouse then we could all be giants. when i said this to daddy madelyn said, "mickey mouse isn't a mouse! he is mickey mouse." of course. how silly of me to think that mickey mouse might be an actual mouse.
- we were playing in madelyn's room when she told me that my hair had tangles and she needed to brush it for me. so i had to take my pony tail down for her to brush my hair. she was telling me that she was being gentle (and she was). once she was done she told me that is was better now.
- today madelyn and daddy went out to breakfast (bagels), home depot workshop project, sams, and toy-r-us together. madelyn was asleep when they came home and i was taking a shower when she woke up. daddy fell asleep on the couch while watching a cartoon with madelyn so she came into our room looking for me. i was laying in bed trying to read my book club book for the month. madelyn was all sweet and got up in our bed to snuggle and tell me about everything she had done with daddy. when she was done she gave me a big hug and told me that she missed me. i was glad that she was able to have some alone fun with daddy. she has been such a mommy's girl recently that she won't even let matt do her bedtime routine. she wants mommy to do it. it's just a phase like everything else. love.
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