this is going to be quick because matt and i are preparing for a visit from papa, nana, and uncle derek for thanksgiving (and matt's birthday!) tomorrow. i felt that it was worth noting that mason slept for 12 hours last night though! i am so glad that i started him on two meals from the second day of solids. it paid off for me in sleep.
here is a picture of mason from yesterday and one of madelyn in the same outfit. it took me a while to find the one of madelyn because i was looking in october, november, and even december. where was it you ask? january! you might notice it is pretty tight on mason and it fit madelyn comfortably when she was two months older than he is now. it makes me question the measurement of his height at his last appointment (which said that he was 3/4 inch shorter than madelyn at 4 months)! he has outgrown some of the other clothes that madelyn was still wearing in january! january! crazy! love.

How sweet and I know Mason is bigger than Maddie was at his age. Really cute pictures.
I was just commenting on how big he seems to be getting. What does Mason weight now? I bet more than Kinley (almost 19 lbs). I still think he's one of the cutest/most handsome boy babies I've seen.
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