Wednesday, September 29, 2010
the makings of a really bad day
i did a few quick emails before taking madelyn to school this morning. i did the unusual and made myself a large iced coffee to get me going for my day hoping to make up some work missed by being down the day before. and that was my mistake. my large coffee found its way to my laptop keyboard, iphone, remote keyboard, expense report receipts, notebook, files, etc. almost as soon as i sat down to work after dropping madelyn off. (it might have had some help from mason...)
my reaction was so quick that i scared mason. he laid face down on the floor crying the entire time i cleaned up the mess. it took an entire roll of paper towels and about 15/20 minutes to get everything cleaned up. i quickly undocked my computer, removed the battery (it has already turned itself off - almost instantly), and turned it upside down. i used our personal computer to search for tips on what i should do. i was actually feeling nauseous at the idea of damaging my computer that had just been repaired and returned to me a few weeks ago; not to mention having more down time.
my computer is still not working. i spoke to our m.i.s. director after two hours to see what he wanted me to do. i hated to even call him about this after the past few days he had dealt with but it actually gave him a great laugh which actually did make me feel a little better. he has overnighted me the replacement computer again (the same computer i just returned to him a few days ago) and we are just hoping that my regular computer is salvageable - or at least that the data will be.
and it wasn't just my laptop, my iphone got some of the spill and would only work on speaker phone all day. i am happy to report that it seems to be working properly again this evening. whew!
to post about this now does not even begin to capture how stressful all this was today. i still just can't believe that it ever happened and feel horrible. mason just cried and cried the rest of the morning until i finally just put him down at 11am when he wouldn't touch our early lunch (i was taking a mental break from my office with lunch). it occurred to me this afternoon that he was probably such an emotional mess because of all the shots he got yesterday. madelyn always had a day or two where she was just 'off' and more emotional after shots.
when i went to pick up madelyn from school this afternoon i learned that her teacher was at the hospital getting her water broken after being 6cm dilated at her check up this afternoon. she was due 2 weeks before me. i am flying to kansas on sunday afternoon for work and have to go to the doctor's office tomorrow to get cleared to travel, a letter for the airline, and my medical records - just in case. after the week this has been i am starting to be a little nervous... (really i am not worried but my doctor is on vacation so i am meeting with someone i don't know and that makes me a little nervous.)
but then i was able to keep it all in perspective after hearing that baby jake was born last night and went to be with God shortly thereafter. there are worse things in life than some ruined electronics or the risk of a missed business trip. i just kept praying for terri and austin all day.
on a lighter/happier note, here is a video of mason 'dancing' and 'nodding'. madelyn adds in her own wacky dance at the end. (she was feeling fancy when she got dressed for school this morning. i think the selection might have been influenced by letting her sleep in a dress-up gown last night.) they love to dance together and daddy joined in the fun after dinner. such a happy way to end this day. love.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
15-month check-up
mason started crying as soon as i put him up on the table to be measured. here are his stats:
height: 34 inches (98.7 percentile)
weight: 26lbs. 7oz. (75.5 percentile)
head: 50.3cm (99 percentile)
bmi: 39 percentile
he perked up as soon as the nurse left and did great for the doctor. she is just thrilled with his diet and growth. she said that he could really weigh more for his height but i don't think that there is any way to get more food into him. she was impressed with his crayon skills and his willingness to clean them up.
now for shots. both kids ended up getting flu 'shots' and mason got two other vaccinations. madelyn choose to have the inhaled flu 'shot'. i say that she chose because i let her. i didn't want her to be left out of getting an actual shot because she talks about them a lot. the nurse was kind enough to give her a band aid anyway because she asked for one after getting the squirts up her nostrils.
and then we were told that both kids needed to get their iron levels tested again! i knew that mason would most likely getting retested but i guess that when we brought madelyn in for her abdominal pain over the summer they drew blood and she tested slightly anemic. we went over to the lab and waited for over an hour. thankfully, i had enough snacks and toys to keep them mildly entertained and contained in the very crowded waiting room. both kids did really great with their blood draws. they missed madelyn's vein and had to move the needle around for longer than made me comfortable. she took it like a champ. i know that it hurt but she held still and was patient with them. as a thank you they gave her juice, graham crackers, and stickers. we finally left around 11:30 and went straight home for lunch.

Sunday, September 26, 2010
princess party

after playing a bean bag toss game everyone got to go on a treasure hunt. it was very cute. ava's mom would read and clue and all the kids would guess the answer before running to find their 'treasure' to take home. madelyn found a fruit snack (for energy at the start of their hunt), a lunch box, a puzzle, and an ice pack (for the lunch box).

and now it was time for cake and ice cream! ava had a pink barbie cake and it was gluten-free. this was my first gluten-free birthday cake and it was really good. ava's mom generously had 'real' cupcakes for any of the kids that complained about the texture but i don't think that any of them even noticed. madelyn told me on our walk home that the cake was her favorite part of the party so it definitely didn't bother her.
after cake and ice cream it was time to open presents and some of the kids (including madelyn) started without the birthday girl. i think that is one of the drawbacks of gift bags at children's parties. the party balloons began to lure the kids away from the gift opening. and towards the end none of the kids were really watching the gifts be opened. instead they were bobbing the balloons up and down. one of ava's gifts was a pretty nifty see-saw from her parents and the kids got to try it out in the backyard before heading home. here is video of madelyn taking her turn:

Saturday, September 25, 2010
my notes from the past week
- mason has started to make an 'o' face for his own amusement. it is kind of funny because it is a long 'o' face.
- mason loves to dance, i have mentioned before, but now he spins in circles as part of his groove.
- mason is adding more signs and using them more frequency without my having to remind him. the newer one is 'water'.
- he has also started his own version of nodding. he sort of tucks his chin to his chest and tilts his upper body almost as a nod. he also adds a high-pitched affirming sound. and it has been extremely helpful for him to answer our questions. tonight, as a joke, i asked him if he was going poop in his diaper and he 'nodded' yes while grabbing his pants and started to walk towards the changing table, gesturing for me to come too. sure enough, he had pooped.
- related to the dirty diaper above, mason was trying to pull his pants down in our bathroom while backing up to the edge of the toilet. he was trying to get on and nodded when i asked if he wanted to go potty. if we weren't running late for church i would have let him try it out.
- we were playing in the playroom and mason found some coasters he had brought in the day before. he picked them up and took them back where they belong in the living room - all on his own! i was so proud of him. this wasn't the first time he has done something like this but this was the only specific one i jotted down.
- as a sign of approval we have been giving mason high-fives. he comes running to you with his hand up and ready to go; very cute.
- mason loves his shoes. as soon as we get him dressed (or sometimes before we get him dressed), he heads over and picks out a pair of shoes. he tries to put them on himself and then brings them to me for some help. he is also getting better at sitting down to take them off when we come back home.
- madelyn mortified me this week when the internet/cable guy was working in my office with us to fix our modem and she said, "mommy, i am scared of that man." did i mention she was less than five feet from him and he was black? (i might have been more sensitive about this because all summer we have been doing racially charged readings in our book club.) i suggested that she tell him hello and tell him her name. he was so nice to her and introduced himself. she obviously felt comfortable with him because when the stink from mason's diaper could be ignored no longer, madelyn chose to stay in the office with the internet/cable guy. when i came back they were chatting away like old friends about the picture she was coloring.
- on one busy and exhausting day of parenting this week madelyn and i took some time to just color together before bed time. she and i had some confrontations about behavior that resulted in her spending time alone in her room more than once. i was asking her about how she enjoyed her day (we had gone to the library, etc.). i asked her what her favorite thing was from the day. she said that she didn't know so i started to name off some of our highlights. then she said, "mommy, you are the best part of my day" and gave me a big hug and kiss. that was the best part of my day!
- mason is obsessed with belly buttons. if he is with me when i am getting dressed he can't resist my outtie. i finally have to cut him off and cover it with a shirt because otherwise he wouldn't stop pushing it in. and he goes after his as soon as his shirt comes off. the funny part is that he tries to see his belly button but can't quite bend enough over his belly to see it.
- madelyn is convinced that only one person can sing a song at a time. even if she asks you to sing a song because she can't remember all the words, you can't sing when she starts singing. it has kind of put a damper on car trip sing-alongs. i figure she will have to get over it once mason can join in.
- out of no where madelyn came to me and said, "mommy, i tell the truth and you don't." apparently "truth" falls into the same category as singing - only one person at a time. she was unable to give me any example of when i didn't tell her the truth and i couldn't think of any instance where i have told her even a 'white' lie.
- other recent expressions are "you hurt my feelings when..." and "my eyes were starting to water". each of these usually comes into play when she doesn't get her way or gets into trouble.
- her "eyes started to water" and her "feelings got hurt too" when i was trying to comfort mason after madelyn had unintentionally slammed three of his fingers over and over and over in a door. it must have been almost 10 times. she had opened up the door to the storage part of the basement while i was working on friday and i told her that she needed to get out of there (it is where the toys that aren't taken care of end up). i realized that she was having trouble closing the door and that mason was crying. i asked if she was getting his fingers in the door and she told me no. another minute or two of door slamming and crying and i got up to investigate. i thought that mason was just crying because he didn't want the door closed. she had left the light on so i opened the door and turned it off. that was when i saw how mason was holding his hand perfectly straight. his fingers were being pinched in the hinge side of the door. i would have taken a picture of his fingers because it was dramatic, but he didn't stop crying for almost an hour (well, it was off and on once i got him calmed down and eating a little lunch) and i just couldn't justify a picture. i am happy to report after lunch and a nap he was perfectly fine. he has no discoloration either which is truly remarkable after seeing the initial injury. there is just a faint red line where the fingers were actually pinched - no knuckles or nails were caught. having had my fingers slammed in a van door as a child, i knew how bad his hand hurt. madelyn felt just awful about the whole thing and i had to assure her more than once that i knew it was just an accident. she was really scared when she saw that he was really hurt.
i am going to do a separate post about their sleeping in the same room tomorrow. love.
more ballet

i didn't bring the stroller this week as an experiment to see if mason would be quieter (he fussed in the stroller towards the end of class last week). he loved it! he was so good. we will definitely try this again next week. i had to hold him a little bit when he started crying inexplicably while i was standing up to try and see madelyn through the doorway (the video gets a little wobbly there).
madleyn was in a particularly talkative mood for class and was cracking up all the parents sitting in the lobby - because of the open concept we can hear everything (pretty much everything you hear in the videos that isn't the teacher is madelyn). i tried to get some video over the heads of the folks that stand directly in the doorway because madelyn was the 'line leader' this week. she keeps getting distracted by her own reflection in, what i am assuming is, a mirrored wall and by seeing me watching (i missed it with the video, but madelyn was announcing, "i can see my mommy!" over and over until i quickly took a seat so that she couldn't).
this one is of them practicing position number one. madelyn is upset that she can't see herself in the mirror because she is at the front of the line.
in hope you enjoyed the peek into her class. love.
mason's first year in pictures

and there you go, the first year of mason in review. love.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
movie night - horton hears a who

at some point some pre-teen girls started playing a game of running up and down the aisle on the side with him. i think that this was a great help to daddy while madelyn and i watched the movie. at some point madelyn declared that she was tired and wanted to go home (it was only 7:10pm). the end of the movie got a little too scary for her. she was very upset by the monkeys poking horton with sticks - and rightfully so. we left as soon as all the other animals heard the whos on the spec.
madelyn's mood perked right up when she was given a goodie bag on her way out with candy, a green pencil with a pink pom-pom glued on top (a la a horton hears a who clover), and a devotional book. she did ask about the monkeys poking horton with a stick the whole ride home. we didn't have much in the way of a satisfying answer for her - they thought that he was a liar and weren't being nice.
before church madelyn drew "the new baby on her hand" because she "loves the new baby very much" and then proceeded to hug and kiss my belly (aka the new baby). how sweet is that? love.
three in the bed
i think some time around 7am the music turned off and mason started to snuggle up with me. i asked madelyn to turn off the light and she snuggled up too. i was laying on my side in mason's bed with my back up against the wall. mason was laying with his head on my shoulder/neck and madelyn was laying with her head on my belly. and that is how we all slept for the next hour. i woke up with a stabbing pain in my hip but couldn't move because i was covered in sleeping children. i just laid there for about 15 minutes trying to make slight adjustments to relieve my hip but it just wasn't happening. and then i started thinking about how cute we must look and wished that i could have a picture.
thankfully mason woke up and madelyn followed shortly thereafter so that i could finally move. and so our day began. love.
apple harvest

i think madelyn had the best time because she did several affordable crafts in the kids area for most of our visit. she left with a necklace, a window cling she colored, a bat visor (she picked the bat design - odd), a coyote paper bag puppet, and a humming bird feeder all for about $10 in tickets.
after that we went over and purchased a caramel apple (for home) and some apple crisp with ice cream that we enjoyed there while listening to some live music. mason was just dancing along with the band. mason rode along in the stroller most of the time but while madelyn was making the humming bird feeder daddy took him for a walk. mason was really, really excited about the horses pulling the hayride. he might have been a little too excited because daddy was worried that he was going to try and touch them.
and we couldn't go to the apple harvest and not buy some apples. they had over 50 varieties and an apple expert that you could ask questions. madelyn was determined to have him tell her about apples. okay. what do you want to ask him? "i want to know about crushed apples." what? the expert didn't really know what to say. he thought that maybe she wanted to know about apple cider, but i really couldn't help him because i have no idea what she was talking about either. oh well. she said thank you and we went to buy the apples we had picked out. madelyn had selected a small red delicious and started eating it the second we stepped away from paying for it.
we had never been to the apple harvest before because we always seem to have plans that day but i am glad that we made it today. it was a nice morning to be outside and it was a cute little event. the kids really enjoyed it. and tonight is movie night at church so a fun filled day. love.
Friday, September 17, 2010
rough day
so i am forcing her head down in the sink and trying to hold her eye open for rinsing while mason is climbing up on the stool to see what is going on. the bottle said to hold the eye open and rinse for 15 to 20 minutes which seemed like a totally unreasonable request. matt called poison control too who also suggested the unreasonable time frame. while we were rinsing madelyn's eye, first in the sink and then in the bathtub, she was screaming like she was being tortured and we only made it through about five minutes. since her eye wasn't red and she said that she sprayed it on the outside corner of her eye, we decided that she (and we) had had enough and she could go to bed. mason had already been put in his toddler bed in an attempt to just get him out of the way and he was asleep.

she made a huge mess but she was content, helped clean it up, and was apologetic for the mess. on a day like today i considered that a 'win'. as i was on the phone finishing up my work day, madelyn called down that she had peed in her pants. oh geez! i excused myself from my call, told her to take care of her dirty underwear (she has known what to do by herself since the day she was potty trained), to put on clean underwear, and got back to my call. once i was done with my call i went upstairs to discover the damage. i guess she couldn't get out of her bed where she and mason were playing because she had pulled the sheets and blanket off the bed and started her pee trail there. oh no!
and then daddy called to see if he could go to the driving range after work. i didn't think that today was a great time to do that and he agreed to come home quickly. the kids and i were waiting outside when he pulled up. i just couldn't have any more crying and mess in the house. instead madelyn did her crying in the front yard. i am happy to say that things improved after bath time.
we tried putting the kids down separately tonight. mason down and asleep before madelyn got into her bed. i just read her books in our bed until i thought mason was asleep. much more effective. we will get this figured out eventually. here's to a better tomorrow! matt is golfing in the morning and hopefully the weather will clear up for the afternoon so that we can check out the apple fest at the nature center down the road.
now it is bedtime for mommy and her aching body. love.
prayer request
when one of our old neighbor, turned blogger buddy, posted about her cousin i just knew that i would have to share their story with you all too. terri and austin are due to have baby jake two weeks before i am due with our baby boy.
their attitude and faith in what is an unimaginable circumstance was so inspiring to me. i hope that you are also inspired and remember them in your prayers. here is a link to their blog and you might want to have some tissues handy:
Thursday, September 16, 2010
ready to go

there isn't a window into the studio but it is an open design so that you can hear everything being said. all the parents were gathered around the doorway to the studio with their cameras. since i had mason with me in the stroller and the fact that i can't suck in my stomach to scoot by, i had to settle for just listening. when a few parents stepped outside to make phone calls i made my move to get a few pictures.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
the house with the red door
i am not sure that i can capture the entirety of "the house with the red door" in a single post, but i am going to try and cover the basics. pretty much anything imaginary in madelyn's life has the color red involved - that is always our first clue that what she is saying is pretend. it is also where she can do and have anything that she might not be able to do or have in her real life.
it might go something like this, "i took my red car to go see my sister and we had red ice cream!" usually the story is much more elaborate but that gives you a taste. she will even get excited when she sees something advertised on tv because she has it at her house with the red door. one that stands out is the water bottle station by one of the water filter companies. she says something every time it is on.
she also says that she has been on trips before. like while we were in minneapolis she told us about the time she flew there on her red plane and rode the rides. and she could see her house with the red door from the plane.
today we were doing our united states map and she told me that her house with the red door was in michigan. of course the picture on the michigan puzzle piece was a red car...
it is so funny how consistent she is with this and we enjoy hearing all the things that she dreams up to take place at her house with the red door. love.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
everyday is fun

- today mason went up to a sign on the wall at madelyn's school and said (what sounded like) "duck". i have thought that he says "duck" but this was the first time he did so unprompted. he still isn't 'talking' but there is so much effort on his part that i think it will be soon. he gets the number of syllables right when we ask him animal names from his picture book. he's getting there.
farm day at the zoo

i fed the kids a quick snack, changed their clothes, and we were off. we were going to only have an hour or two but that is the beauty of the zoo pass, it didn't cost us anything. we rarely go into the farm portion of the zoo because that is where the playground is and i like to avoid it; we can go to the playground at home.

32 weeks
the good news from the appointment is that my doctor doesn't mind if i fly to kansas for a few days the first week in october. i will be 35 weeks the day i return and that is usually the cut-off time for air travel so everyone has been concerned about me making the trip - except me of course.
here is a picture of me today (on the left) and me at 31 weeks, 1 day with mason (on the right). this boy is a little lower but i look about the same size. which reminds me - i measured exactly 32-weeks at my check-up. love.

block party

it was a little concerning to see how happy all the kids were to be sitting in the back of the police car - although it did make for some cute pictures.

Monday, September 13, 2010
minneapolis vacation - day four

it was "toddler tuesday" at nickelodeon universe (aka the theme park in the center of the mall). it was nice because for $9.95 madelyn could ride all the toddler rides for three hours instead of the $40 it would normally cost. and the rate was good for daddy too. madelyn was almost in tears at the suggestion that she might have to ride some of them by herself so we got matt a pass too. mason and i were just spectators on their adventure.

the highlight for madelyn was going on the wonder pets flyboat. i thought that it might be a little too scary for her after reading the description in the brochure ("...let it lift you 20 feet, then bounce you up and down..."). she loved it!

we walked around the mall a little more to visit a few more stores and then loaded everyone up for the ride home. we stopped on the way home for dinner at mcdonalds. (it is just the only place that we are guaranteed some room for mason to stretch his legs too.) i decided that ice cream was in order and madelyn and i had caramel sundaes. she shared half of hers with mason. she loves to give him whatever she is eating. they are so cute sharing their treats so nicely. i really hope that this phase lasts a while because i am enjoying it. both for the peace and just because they are so sweet and gentle with each other. maybe i can catch it on video some time...
we got home around 9 and quickly unloaded so that the kids could go to bed. they were both so happy to be home and mason just kept running around seeing his toys again for the first time. it was a wonderful vacation! i am so glad that we were able to take the time to go. while it was utterly exhausting, physically, it was mentally very relaxing. love.
minneapolis vacation - day three

it was a great morning for a walk (although we were all sore from all the walking) and the parks were lovely. i was hoping that the parks would allow mason to wear himself out before we had to contain him on our laps at the game. we walked all the way to the sculptural gardens first to check things out and then went back to loring park so that the kids could play on the playground. the playgrounds were in sand and we weren't really keen on them getting too dirty before the game so we didn't stay very long. i think madelyn's favorite part was the pedestrian walkway over the interstate to get between the two parks. she also thought that the ginko tree leaves were pretty neat too (at least i think that is what variety they were).

here are pictures of our adventures to the ball park. you can see madelyn's forehead injury from the day before too. we didn't stay at the game for too long. mason got very squirmy after about two innings and we had gotten there so early that all the food and snacks had been consumed by that time too. we normally walk around the stadium a little while to give the kids some distractions but with the wind and rain it wasn't all that much fun. we watched a little more of the game and then decided to just head back to the hotel.
but now what... it was about 4 and too early to stay in for the night. so we decided to try going to the como park zoo and conservatory again. we were hoping that the rainy weather would lessen the traffic over by the fair and the zoo too. we were right. it was a night a day difference from the day before. we had about an hour and a half before it closed and that was pretty much the perfect amount of time. first we visited their butterfly exhibit. it just so happened that it was the last day of the last year for the exhibit. madelyn was really excited about it and mason really enjoyed walking through too (no strollers were allowed).
the other main draw for the zoo was a baby giraffe that had been born over the summer. it was a great way to end our day. here are some pictures from como.
we ended up driving around for a while before stopping for dinner at applebees. matt and i were talking about how sad it was that we had only eaten at chain restaurants on the trip but with the kids it is just easier stopping places that we know they can eat.
matt suggested that mason should sleep with madelyn monday night and daddy could have the pack-n-play all to himself. poor matt. he spent another (sleepless) night sharing a bed with madelyn. love.