Friday, September 17, 2010

prayer request

there are so many people who persevere through such awful things in this world. i am always humbled by their stories and so grateful for the many blessings we have been given.

when one of our old neighbor, turned blogger buddy, posted about her cousin i just knew that i would have to share their story with you all too. terri and austin are due to have baby jake two weeks before i am due with our baby boy.

their attitude and faith in what is an unimaginable circumstance was so inspiring to me. i hope that you are also inspired and remember them in your prayers. here is a link to their blog and you might want to have some tissues handy:



Our family said...

Thanks Michelle -- that is really nice of you. Makes you squeeze your kids extra tight doesn't it?

Witenkling Mommy said...

Oh my goodness. I'm sending floods of prayers their way.