Tuesday, September 28, 2010

15-month check-up

what a morning! mason had his 15-month check-up this morning at 9:30 so of course he started his day around 5am. that way he could be nice and cranky right around the time the appointment would start. he must have quieted back down because i fell back asleep until he got into madelyn's bed a little before 6am and she called me in to ask if he could sleep in her bed. since she obviously wanted to go back to sleep and mason didn't, mason was taken to the toddler bed in his old room to finish out the early morning. i was determined to get him to sleep a little more and he did for at least another half hour. he and madelyn both woke up again a little after 8am. we had to hustle to get breakfast, dressed, and out the door but we made it to his appointment on time.

mason started crying as soon as i put him up on the table to be measured. here are his stats:

height: 34 inches (98.7 percentile)
weight: 26lbs. 7oz. (75.5 percentile)
head: 50.3cm (99 percentile)
bmi: 39 percentile

he perked up as soon as the nurse left and did great for the doctor. she is just thrilled with his diet and growth. she said that he could really weigh more for his height but i don't think that there is any way to get more food into him. she was impressed with his crayon skills and his willingness to clean them up.

now for shots. both kids ended up getting flu 'shots' and mason got two other vaccinations. madelyn choose to have the inhaled flu 'shot'. i say that she chose because i let her. i didn't want her to be left out of getting an actual shot because she talks about them a lot. the nurse was kind enough to give her a band aid anyway because she asked for one after getting the squirts up her nostrils.

and then we were told that both kids needed to get their iron levels tested again! i knew that mason would most likely getting retested but i guess that when we brought madelyn in for her abdominal pain over the summer they drew blood and she tested slightly anemic. we went over to the lab and waited for over an hour. thankfully, i had enough snacks and toys to keep them mildly entertained and contained in the very crowded waiting room. both kids did really great with their blood draws. they missed madelyn's vein and had to move the needle around for longer than made me comfortable. she took it like a champ. i know that it hurt but she held still and was patient with them. as a thank you they gave her juice, graham crackers, and stickers. we finally left around 11:30 and went straight home for lunch.

this picture is from yesterday while madelyn was in school. mason likes to play on our personal computer while i am working and for some reason he kept laying his head down on the keyboard. it was cracking me up and i had to take a picture (actually, i took several). this one is going to be my new wallpaper! so funny. love,

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

What an adorable wallpaper picture - perfect for when you're feeling zonked at work :) Just reading about wiggling around a needle gave me the eebie jeebies.