Thursday, September 16, 2010

ready to go

last night the kids went to sleep around 10. we put them down at 7:30 and they chose to play until daddy shut them down at 10 because they were getting a little too loud. madelyn told him something about her dance shoes being comfortable but he didn't really get what she meant and didn't ask any more questions. this morning she came out in her nightgown and ballet slippers all ready to go to her first dance class this afternoon.

you might remember that when madelyn was invited to a friend's dance class she didn't do very well. in fact, she started crying and wouldn't go back in. we were a little hesitant to pay to have her in a class, but i thought that it was worth trying and it would give her something to do leading up to the baby being born. this afternoon was the first class. (madelyn is the one sticking her butt out; second from the left.) the class is at 4:30 so i have to bring mason too.

there isn't a window into the studio but it is an open design so that you can hear everything being said. all the parents were gathered around the doorway to the studio with their cameras. since i had mason with me in the stroller and the fact that i can't suck in my stomach to scoot by, i had to settle for just listening. when a few parents stepped outside to make phone calls i made my move to get a few pictures.

i was pretty impressed by the class. it was much more technical than i would ever have expected. but the teacher was wonderfully child-friendly too. the were doing some sort of stretching at the beginning of class and she asked the class what color wings they wanted to have today and without a second of hesitation madelyn called out, "i want mine to be red." everyone else answered, "pink".
she loved the class but said that she "can't dance at home" so she couldn't show daddy what she learned and didn't want to have her picture taken so it is lucky that i was able to get a few pictures at the class. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

I hope Madelyn enjoys her special time in ballet class. Lorelai only went for 4 weeks and still talks about it. Funny, Lorelai wouldn't dance at home either.