it was "toddler tuesday" at nickelodeon universe (aka the theme park in the center of the mall). it was nice because for $9.95 madelyn could ride all the toddler rides for three hours instead of the $40 it would normally cost. and the rate was good for daddy too. madelyn was almost in tears at the suggestion that she might have to ride some of them by herself so we got matt a pass too. mason and i were just spectators on their adventure.

the highlight for madelyn was going on the wonder pets flyboat. i thought that it might be a little too scary for her after reading the description in the brochure ("...let it lift you 20 feet, then bounce you up and down..."). she loved it!

we walked around the mall a little more to visit a few more stores and then loaded everyone up for the ride home. we stopped on the way home for dinner at mcdonalds. (it is just the only place that we are guaranteed some room for mason to stretch his legs too.) i decided that ice cream was in order and madelyn and i had caramel sundaes. she shared half of hers with mason. she loves to give him whatever she is eating. they are so cute sharing their treats so nicely. i really hope that this phase lasts a while because i am enjoying it. both for the peace and just because they are so sweet and gentle with each other. maybe i can catch it on video some time...
we got home around 9 and quickly unloaded so that the kids could go to bed. they were both so happy to be home and mason just kept running around seeing his toys again for the first time. it was a wonderful vacation! i am so glad that we were able to take the time to go. while it was utterly exhausting, physically, it was mentally very relaxing. love.
Oh, boy! She's only three and she already dissed Daddy for a boy!?! that made me laugh. At least she's independent :)
It so funny that Madelyn is so social. I think you're going to have to get used to that. She'll be bringing people home all the time. What a great trip!
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