last night daddy put together mason's new bed in madelyn's room but it was too late for mason and he was put down in the toddler bed in his room. madelyn had a lot of fun helping daddy and went to bed pretty late as a result. this morning she woke up at 6:30 - a normal time - and asked to have her music turned back on. we offered to let her just come in our bed for a little bit but she got very aggravated and yelled, with tears, "no! i want to sleep in
my bed!" and sleep she did - until 8am.
today i let mason nap in his new bed as a test. it took him a little bit to get settled. i think that it was mainly due to him just being over tired. or maybe it was because madelyn wanted to 'rest' and yelled at him that she was sleeping when he started to cry after i left the room. or that she kept trying to lay in his bed with him. once i got madelyn out he did great and slept for around 3 hours. the beds aren't made but here are pictures of their new set up.

and mason must be feeling very grown up after his nap because he climbed up in the desk chair with madelyn to watch her play computer games. and he even took a few tries himself when madelyn spent some time playing upstairs. he is actually very good with the mouse. he isn't quite sure what he needs to do, but he moves it around and clicks well. i have let him play a few 'keyboard' games too that seem to really please him. here are a few pictures of the man at work.

tonight is their first night sleeping all night in their shared room. after an energetic bedtime it got quiet very quickly. so far, so good. love.
Such a big boy! How did it go?!
Our shared room attempt didn't last very long ... so I'm very impressed! Hope it continues to go well for you.
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