Thursday, February 3, 2011

another pj day

we were enjoying a lounging day at home so i was able to take some pictures and video of the kids for your viewing enjoyment.  madelyn is just starting to come down with something and mason has had a non-stop runny nose for the past few days (not surprising after almost everyone we saw in wisconsin was sick). 

madelyn was nice enough to request i take her picture for this posed shot with all of her toys.

she was talking to maddux while sitting on my lap and it was so cute that i asked her to say it again so that i could get it on video.  the highlights?  the beginning where madelyn restarts several times while trying to remember exactly how she had introduced herself, when she introduces daddy, and when maddux sneezes at the end.
i thought that this snotty close up of mason was cute - sorry if it is too gross.  both kids have been looking such a mess lately with chapped skin, snotty noses, and various injuries that i don't really think much of it until someone other than matt or i might see them. 

he was in a silly sort of mood after naps and gave me lots of photo opportunities.  he picked the airplane sweatshirt out of his closet to wear over his rocket ship pjs instead of getting dressed for the day.  i don't know how he wasn't hot - he wore it all day long.

this didn't really capture on camera because of the flash, but he is looking at the light from the finger nail clippers he dropped into his jacket.  our baby clippers have a light on the end of them and mason likes to use them like a flashlight.  what made him think to look at their light in his jacket is beyond me.  he was even looking at the light from the outside of his jacket too - that part really blew his mind.
he tried out the bumbo seat for a while too.
and this has recently become his favorite pose again.  he discovered that doing this downward dog like pose made his sweatshirt hood fall up on his head and that made him laugh more than once.

and here is one more video of mason 'counting' and jumping with madelyn telling me about maddux holding her hand.  i love that i have time to just hang out with the kids now!  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

So great that you are enjoying your new-found time with the kids.... Kinley loves that downward dog-ish pose, too :)