he also likes to use his stool to help in the kitchen when i am cooking. i have been pleased at his general excellent listening in the kitchen about when it is okay to touch and when it isn't.
now clean and dirty dish differentiation isn't coming along as quickly as i would like. he tries to put away the dirty utensils in the drawer, so i have to keep an eye out for that. thankfully, he is pretty good about respecting the dishwasher door lock - even though he can open it.
laundry-related note: mason knows that he wears two socks, so he picks out two pairs in the morning when we ask him to get his socks. when we only put on one pair he is insists that he needs the other one and signs "more" while crying - because he needs two. silly kid.
mason is all boy - physical, energetic, hungry, and full of little boy sweetness too. love.
Mason is precious and I think it is so cute that he realizes he needs two socks but brings pairs. He is sure to be a great little helper.
Awwww. I love hearing his all boy and sweetness stories....gives me hope if Toto is a boy :)
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