Wednesday, February 16, 2011

bring the heat

i don't think i have mentioned it but mason loves spicy foods!  matt and i are always surprised at the things he will eat without even making a face.  for the super bowl i opened up some harry and david's pepper relish and poured it over cream cheese.  matt and i thought that it was fairly spicy.  madelyn wouldn't touch it after one taste.  but mason ate almost the whole bowl.  i let him have some today as a snack and he went to get a spoon because the wheat thins weren't getting it in his mouth fast enough!


Witenkling Mommy said...

Wow - that's surprising for a toddler. If he's eating stuff of that caliber now, imagine as he gets older! He'll have one heck of a digestive track built up :)

Becky said...

love getting caught up on all your blogs. All three kiddos are cuter and cuter by the day :)