not that we did anything particularly special today, but madelyn and i get all excited every friday talking about how daddy will get to stay with us all day on saturday! today's plan was for daddy to take madelyn to lowe's for the build and grow workshop (a music box), then go to the zoo for lunch (that we packed), and then drive around and look at lots while the kids slept in the van. and even though mason looked awful (poor kid had a 102 degree fever), we thought that some fresh air and sunshine would be best for all of us. we had a great day together and accomplished everything we had planned.
maddux sucking his index finger happily. |
daddy playing with madelyn on the rope bridge. i don't think that she was having as much fun as daddy was shaking the bridge. |
it was a little colder than we were expecting - even with the sun - so we didn't see the whole zoo. it was still well worth the trip just to get a little walking and fresh air. and the kids just love a picnic lunch! not that we don't eat the same lunch at home everyday, but eating it somewhere else always makes it extra special.
i told her that she had to wait until daddy was with us to try it because i couldn't spot her and watch the boys at the same time. on our way out she excitedly told me that she knew how to climb the rock wall now and she is really good at it! i think that she is just laying the groundwork for being able to do it next time when daddy isn't with us.
madelyn climbing the rock wall in the jellyfish exhibit. |
all three kids fell asleep, as planned, and matt and i had a few hours to drive around a new part of town and revisit some other lots we are considering. one of the builders have 6 model homes built all together so we stopped there to walk around and get ideas before our meeting with a builder tomorrow. (we aren't 100% sure that we are building, but we are going to explore it as a possibility.) madelyn was so excited to look at houses - she really likes open houses and we haven't been through too many. she had so many cute comments as we walked through each house - "it's a little dark, but it could be okay for us" or "i think that this room
might work for mason".

mason wasn't as crazy about walking through the models. his motrin was wearing off and he was starting to really feel poorly again. it didn't help that he went to have some alone time in a laundry room. i actually found him standing with his face in a corner, but i must have been standing too closely because he went to the opposite wall and did his business in his diaper. we walked through each house relatively quickly and snapped a few pictures of features or colors we liked.
we had a fun and relaxing day away from the apartment. we even saw some sunshine! love.
1 comment:
Great way to plan your day to get in some of your to-do while the kids napped after a fun-filled morning. Lorelai LOVED looking at houses when we were hunting. Especially two-story ones, because most had a 'little room' under the stairs for her. :)
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