today, maddux is three-months-old! it really has gone by very quickly (surprising, i know. it's not like we were busy or anything). in one word, maddux is happy. he just has a happy-to-be-alive sort of personality. but when he gets mad, he is mad! this doesn't happen very often and he is generally very patient, but he can get to nuclear angry very fast if the mood hits him.
he is generally sleeping 10 hours a night, but recently went through a spell of it taking 2-3 hours of nursing and three attempts to get him to finally go down for the night. i would would much rather have that than a mid-night feed.
he is wearing size 3 diapers and 9 month sleepers. when he wears separates we have much more range in the sizes but one piece clothes are mainly 9 month size. while madelyn and mason didn't really care for getting dressed and undressed as infants, maddux cracks up when you pull something over his head! i don't know if i am tickling his torso or if it is a private game of peek-a-boo, but he just cracks up most of the time.
mason is still wildly in love with him and is constantly hugging and kissing him. he has even started to ask to hold maddux; which i have let him do a few times. mason is just going to go nuts when maddux can interact with him more.
maddux has busy legs like madelyn did (does). he can scoot himself off a blanket fairly quick and is starting to roll back and forth pretty well. he can pull his hands together and has started to hold and pull toys to his mouth. we are going to be shocked if he is not a thumb sucker! he works at his fists most of the time he is awake.

here is a little video of him hanging out on a blanket - his swing alternative. (well, i tried to add it and can't seem to get it to upload. sorry.)
maddux is the first of our children to end up with a bald spot on the back of their head. (except for that back scooting phase mason went though that rubbed some of his hair off.) sometimes the hair above it lays so straight that it looks like we cut it this way! i try not to feel too badly about it. i can't hold him any more than i do for nursing and he can't be left down on the floor for very long because of his brother and sister (and dog) running around. i just hope that he can sit up soon... |
so i got out the bumbo today. he really liked it! not that it looks that way in the picture, but he was smiling and laughing even. mason was extremely impressed. he couldn't believe that maddux could sit up and was very excited at the prospect. he was also extremely disappointed when i took maddux back out after a few minutes when he started to get tired. |
maddux is doing great! he does have a little bit of the cold madelyn and mason have/had, but it doesn't have any effect on his sleeping or temperament - thankfully. we just love our littlest man. love.
Hi -- I sure hope I can report something similar with my #3 when he is 3 months old. Glad he is doing well.
You added an ad to your blog? Have you generated any revenue? How did you do it? I have been thinking about adding something.
Maddux looks very healthy! He's precious and I love the brother pictures with Mason. They'll be running around together in no time!
I'd like to repeat both of elaina's comments- about #3 and the ad :) Happy-to-be-alive - that's just wonderful!! 10 hour nights at 3 months - amazing!!!
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