Friday, July 1, 2011

mason 2-year check-up

at 8:00am all three kids and i rolled into the doctor's office for mason's 2-year and madelyn's 4-year appointment.  it was kind of nice to have them both at the same time, but there was way too much information for me to take in that way!  i was completing madelyn's paperwork (she was the only one who hadn't been seen yet) while one nurse asked me the same information to be entered into her tablet pc and another nurse called out the stats on the kids (metric so that i couldn't process it).

then we were left in the exam room and given 'gowns' for the kids.  i don't think either of them had worn one before and thought that it was pretty cool.  madelyn was bummed that she was too tall to get a teddy bear one like mason so she wouldn't let me take her picture.

here are mason's stats (the print out they give me on the way out has the metric converted to inches and pounds, but there are no percentiles - i had to look those up):

height: 37.403 inches (98th percentile)
weight: 33 lbs. 4.1488 oz. (94th percentile)
head circumference: 20.274 inches (98th percentile)

big surprise - he is a big guy!  the doctor was impressed with how well he followed her instruction and mentioned that most two-year-olds don't cooperate so willingly.  he also had a shot.  he climbed up on the table, laid down, got the shot, glanced down like there might have been a mosquito and got back down off the table.  no big deal.  that part was a surprise.

here are some other notes about mason at two:
- he has between 30 - 40 'words'.  i haven't kept track as closely as i did with madelyn, so it might be more than that.  about two weeks ago i noticed that he is trying very hard to make words and really studies my mouth when i say one he is trying to say back.  he isn't always willing to say words though.  and i have to remind him to say something "with your mouth".  he is quite pleased with himself when he does say something others can understand.  he speaks most often when he isn't trying to.  here is my quick list (off the top of my head): baby, sis (madelyn), dix (maddux), mama, mommi, dada, big pop, papa, duck, truck, flag, dog, giraffe, fish, ball, girl, boy, car, bob, larry, stuck, clock, book, cook (cookie), more, please, yes, no, poop, pee-pee, push, shoe, hurt and ariel.  i know that this isn't all of them, but you get the idea.

- mason is super clean.  matt was joking that he is going to be a germaphobic.  we have even had to hide the wipes out of his reach in the kitchen.  so then he climbed up on the changing table to get the ones in there.  he has to have a napkin at meals and throws them away after he uses them.  when he falls down outside he doesn't know what to do.  he doesn't want to touch his dirty hands and he doesn't want to rub the dirt on his clothes - we are working on getting him to just rub them together.  now all of this is not to say that mason isn't a mess.  he is a boy and he is madelyn's brother.  he is messy, but generally neater than madelyn was at this age (and older).  the napkins and wipes are what crack us up the most.

- along the lines of being clean, mason clears the table at the end of a meal and wipes off his place mat.

- potty training is on hold again.  he would have moments of going but the majority was failures and he stopped even telling us when he needed to go.  i am going to give him a month or so and then try again.

- he wears 3t-5t clothes although he does have a few pairs of 18 month shorts still in rotation.  his shoes are size 9.

- mason is the most snugly of the kids.  and he has figured out how to give a nice, gentle kiss which he shares freely with us.

- he still runs like a muppet or like he is in a bounce house and i will be so sad when he outgrows it.

- mason is becoming quite independent.  he does. not. want. help.  it has gotten to the point where it is faster to let him try and ask for help than for us to help him and then have him totally melt down because we helped.

- mason can be very stubborn too.  he was the same way as a baby.  we couldn't let him cry it out because he could cry longer than we could listen.  we should have known.  while he is a very sweet boy, he will just decide that he doesn't want to walk any more and won't.  i walk away and 'hide' where i am just out of his sight but i can still see him.  he just stands in one place, quite casually, like he is waiting for someone.  and then after a few minutes he starts to mosey in the general direction he saw me go.  sometimes when he sees me he starts crying and running to catch up, but there is no fear while i am out of sight.  it is a little scary that he isn't scared.  thankfully, he isn't a 'run off' kind of kid.

- during breakfast this week, mason laid out some cherrios on the table, pointed and said "three".  there were indeed three.  after he ate those, i asked him to count three again and he did.

- he points out the letter "o" when he sees it (he also calls zeroes "o")

he fills our lives with so much love and we feel so blessed to have such a sweet little boy.  even if he does keep us on our toes some times.

we love him and can't wait for this next year of his life because we will get to hear all about what he is really thinking!  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Another great post! And, again, I feel like I know so much more about Mason than I do from general blog-reading. I love the specific-ness of your tidbits. Also love that "ariel' is on his word list :)