Saturday, July 16, 2011

north canton fun

once we were done at the house, i got madelyn and mason into their swimsuits and walked over to the pool.  maddux and i opted out today since i was on my own and we weren't going to be very long.  our plan was to enjoy some pool fun and then go back to the house to have lunch with daddy before heading out.  matt was at the house working on priming and painting the finished portion of the basement.

we were the only people at the pool for a while.  i had maddux in the stroller so that he would be contained and protected from the sun.  based on our other trips to the pool this year, i was expecting only madelyn to get wet.  i just sat on the side of the pool with my legs in the water.  mason didn't want to get close for a while.  then he finally came and sat down next to me - after much coaxing and about 15 minutes. then we got a few noodles that seem to be community property.  that got him to brave the step into the kiddie pool.  maybe next time he will step down into the 6 inches of water near the step!  here are a few pictures:
if he wasn't rubbing his eye, this would be so cute.

the ice breaker.

madelyn still wouldn't take her hands off the bottom longer than a few seconds.

maddux just hung out and babbled happily.

and then mason really got splashing!
around noon we headed over to the house and had a picnic lunch with daddy on the front porch before heading on our way.  i had seen that sprout (the channel) was having an event at border's that afternoon.  there is one not very far from the house so i thought we would check it out before the long drive home.

it wasn't great, but madelyn really enjoyed it.  they got leis, colored, made a paper plate maraca and danced to some music before getting a sprout gift bag with tattoos and more coloring sheets on our way out.  i think that there were 10-12 kids.  the staff was wonderful and there were about four ladies helping so it was actually a little relaxing for me to just sit with maddux and watch.  i wore maddux in the sling and wished i had brought the stroller instead because it lasted longer than i had anticipated.  i told madelyn we would come back some time after we move into the house.

we got back home and just did home chores - laundry, vacuum, etc.  simple dinner and baths.  that was when i saw that it did matter that i didn't grab the actual sunscreen on our way out of the house (between getting everyone up and ready, packing our lunches and swim gear prior to 7am i missed it).  i always have a sunscreen stick in the diaper bag in case we end up being outside longer than planned and i figured that would do for this quick trip to the pool.  um - i guess not.  poor mason.  next time i will be sure to rub it around a little more.  or bring the real sunscreen.

it seems that his skin is similar to mine - red very fast and gone by the next day. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

At least you know where the sun stick hits, it works :). Still love that kiddie pool. I want one in my back yard. Are there lots of kids in your new neighborhood?