Friday, July 15, 2011

short zoo trip

i am over my hours for the pay period and it was a sunny day - zoo here we come.  instead of posting all of my pictures, i just picked a few of my favorites.
madelyn was in a rare photo taking mood and posed for several pictures on the carosel lion.

i asked madelyn to get dressed this morning and she said, "mom, i am dressed" with a laugh.  i almost made her go change because it really looked like she was wearing pajamas out of the corner of my eye.  nope.  she was just wearing the smallest shirt and shorts in her closet - that just happened to be the same shade of pink (a feat considering that they aren't the same brand).

mason's best smile...

...because he spent most of his time posing like this!
we had to leave shortly after lunch because mason was having some 'listening' problems.  nothing serious but not worth the stress. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Kinley came out in tights (the pantyhose kind)over her shorts this morning. Ha- in Florida in the the summer! She had to change before church.