Saturday, July 9, 2011

sleepless and sickies

mason has been getting in our bed at night for about two weeks.  and this week madelyn started joining him.  wednesday night madelyn took over my pillow and mason was on matt's other side; i was the odd man out with no pillow in the middle of the bed when maddux woke up at 4am.

instead of going back to my bed when i was done nursing maddux, i went and slept in madelyn's bed.  matt came in to find me at 7am and called me a traiter.  hey, it's call survival.

so last weekend mason had what looked like little bites on his legs and hands.  i didn't think too much of it because he has very sensitive skin and he always has some rash or mark from something (they always disappear quickly.  on monday i noticed the spots on his bottom.  and that was when it hit me that he must have hand, foot and mouth!  (i put it together when i wondered where he could have gotten into fire ants and that reminded me that i had that same thought when madelyn had hand, foot and mouth around his age.)  there isn't anything to be done for it but i was planning to take him to the doctor on tuesday morning.  he woke up spot-free so we didn't go.

now this weekend maddux has a very runny nose (it might just be teething) and mason started looking sort of rough this morning.  we went to home depot to look at some things for the house and then looked around lowe's before the workshop.  by the time we started heading to the area for the kids' workshop mason looked really sickly.  he had been coughing last night and it would explain his more docile behavior (that i mistook for extreme obedience).
sweet kids checking out a where's waldo book from the library.
poor thing got up from dinner, gave me his bowl and laid down on the floor behind his chair.  when he was almost asleep i got him up and into his pajamas for bed.  he was quite happy about reading books with me and told me that he was going to read on his own while i put maddux to bed.  he was sound asleep, at 7pm, when madelyn went in to put on her pajamas.

we are praying that this is a very short lived illness for both boys - and that madelyn doesn't get anything.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Ahh! I don't know how you do it - I couldn't imagine my kids in my bed! I won't say they never will be/have, because who knows, but we try really hard not to let them in. Good for you taking refuge in Madelyn's bed. Each (wo)man for themself!
HOpe everyone's feeling better.