Monday, June 4, 2012

39 weeks

the pictures are from yesterday. i didn't realize how rough my hair was from the wind or I would have brushed it first! any way, there are some belly pictures.

went to doctor today. my total weight gain is at 14lbs now. i have been indulging a little more the past two weeks. i was a little surprised to hear that i am a centimeter dilated already since i haven't really dilated much before labor with any of the others.

they did schedule an induction for june 18th. hopefully we don't make it that long because my parents arrive on the 19th. and - really - who wants to be pregnant past their due date anyway! it would also be inconvenient for birthday plans for madelyn and mason.

so still waiting. we hate not knowing when - because we are both such control freaks. love.


Grandma Z. said...

You look so good! I would never guess this was your fourth baby. I'm sure the baby will be there before us.

Candice and Davidson said...

You look fantastic!! I sat at 3 cm dilated for over 3 weeks with Amelia and at 1 1/2 with the boys for 10 weeks! Hopefully this dilation means baby is coming soon and that labor will be quick. I bet your mom and dad can't wait to be there.

Witenkling Mommy said...

MLG4 will be here before we know it!!! You look fantastic. Try to take it easy over the next however-many days :)

Witenkling Mommy said...

Oh, and like Candice, I was dilated well before all three of my kids came. Its great to get the labor started before you even go in :)