i let madelyn plan the menu for her birthday and she wanted ricotta and banana pancakes for breakfast - thankfully, they required eggs. she was feeling extra mature in the morning and wanted to measure and pour everything. it took a lot longer to get everything ready, but it was worth it just seeing how happy she was preparing her birthday breakfast for us all (big pop and i did all of the actual cooking in the skillet).
after breakfast we all got dressed and headed to panera for madelyn's birthday lunch of macaroni and cheese. matt had to work in the morning and was going to try and meet up with us later in the day.
madelyn decided on the museum as the way to spend the day. everyone was pretty excited about being there and showing big pop and grandma all of their favorite things.
daddy was able to meet us there and surprised madelyn. she later told me that he blew in her ear when he surprised her. she was really happy to have him there too.
since daddy and big pop were there to help him, mason felt like he was finally ready to tackle sliding down the fire house poll. daddy went up to show him how to get on to the poll and big pop stood at the bottom ready to catch him. and he did it!
and then daddy had to show that he could do it too...
after the museum, madelyn wanted "special drinks" which are what we call cream slushes from sonic. everyone else drove to the house and the kids and i went to pick up the drinks.
then we let madelyn open her gifts before dinner (hambergers, sweet potato fries and brocoli with cheese - madelyn's requests).
papa and nana sent madelyn and mason a very nice water table and mason opened a gift with some more water toys - isn't he cute?!
big pop and grandma give them the same number of dollars as their age. madelyn thought that it was pretty neat to get one with a five (that and she couldn't wait to go shopping).
daddy and mommy got her the first real bike she has ever had. with moving and apartment living, madelyn has only ever had a small tricycle. she was very excited to have her own bike now. we were originally going to buy her a red bike (preferably a boy's bike that would hand down) but then i found this multicolored one that screamed "madelyn" to me.
and manning is still pretty much sleeping through all of the action. but grandma didn't mind holding him at all. (do you like grandma's soccer button of madelyn? nana got one too.)
and maddux was all smiles too. he was excited for madelyn. you can really see how bad his haircut is in this picture. i was cutting his hair out of his eyes and he wouldn't let me get more than one snip. oh well. i still have some time to fix it up before trying to get pictures of all the kids in the next week or so.
this is the only picture i have with the birthday girl. i really need to remember to take more pictures of us (me) with the kids on special days. we forgot to get one with matt on father's day too.
this video isn't the most exciting but i love the way maddux and mason are inspecting the bike and 'tire kicking'. i see them checking out cars with her the same way some day.
and then came the first attempt at riding. the bike is a little big and the training wheels are a little too high, but madelyn was determined and very excited.
and then dinner and chocolate cake with strawberrry icing. not my most elaborate cake by any means, but madelyn loved it.
we love, love, love our big girl. the past five years have flown by and we can't wait to see what she will do in the future. love.
5! She's a cute 5 year old! I can not believe how many places you have been this week. Crazy and amazing! I think I went to the grocery store when Carson was 3 days old but stayed home otherwise. I hope you get some rest soon. How is the "screeching" going with Manning?
the 'screeching' has decreased dramatically. i think he scratched his penis on the drying umbilical cord which hurt when his diaper was dirty. now that it has healed he doesn't screech nearly as much.
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